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Alumni Insights Alumni Insights
t's with immense pride and nostalgia that I reflect
Graduated from University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur in on my time spent at the Department of Chemistry,
2023 in Applied Geology field. Appointed as Junior Geologist IUniversity of Malaya. As an alumni, the department
at Calico Advance Sdn Bhd, a site investigation contractor. has played a pivotal role in shaping my academic,
Major projects in soil investigation, hydrogeology and professional, and personal growth. The department's
geology mapping. Throughout my experience working in rigorous curriculum has equipped me with a solid
this company, I have gained many bittersweet experiences foundation in core principles of chemistry, including
in my career as a geologist which has inspired me to run my analytical, organic, physical, and inorganic chemistry.
own company. Therefore, in 2005 I decided to tender my This foundational knowledge has been valuable in my
resignation and began my new journey as young entrepreneur professional career, allowing me to understand and solve
at aged 27. complex problems in various areas of the chemical industry.
The name of the Terrain is taken from the geological terrain The hands-on experience gained through extensive
mapping where this field of specialist has become our main laboratory work has instilled the practical skills and
core business. Incorporated in 2007, Terrain Resources confidence to navigate complex challenges in the
Sdn Bhd business model is based on the accomplishment chemical industry.
of provides practical geological solutions that add genuine I am particularly grateful for the individualized
value to all projects. We deliver comprehensive solutions attention and mentorship provided by the
to resolve geologic problems by combining advanced data dedicated lecturers. Their accessibility
management capabilities with proven and cutting-edge and and willingness to offer career advice
up to date strategies. and support, even after graduation,
Nowadays, the geological career has grown a lot and the have been instrumental in my
demand for professional geologists has increased even in academic and professional
the field of oil & gas or engineering journey. Their guidance has been
geology. Therefore, I sincerely hope valuable, allowing me to successfully
that students seize the opportunities navigate the transition from student to
available in this field of geology professional. My time at the Department
and become successors of the new of Chemistry, University of Malaya,
has left an indelible mark on my life by
providing me with a solid foundation,
P.Geol. Ts. Syd practical skills, and a supportive network.
Lukman Hakim Venitaa Krishnan
Alumnus, Alumnus ,
Department of Geology Department of Chemistry