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Alumni Insights                                                                                                        Alumni Insights

                              arith's   story  began at the University of Malaya,                                                                    r. Nadia Samsudin is a distinguished academic and researcher at
                              where he delved deep into the mysteries of physics,                                                                    UCSI University, specializing in applied statistics in public health.
                     Hparticularly drawn to the enigmatic world of quantum                                                                  DShe holds a post-doctoral fellowship in the Faculty of Social
                     mechanics. Under  the mentorship of Professor Sithi Muniandy,                                                          Sciences and Liberal Arts (FOSSLA). Dr. Nadia's educational background
                     he explored the intricate dance between classical and quantum                                                          is robust, with a degree in Science and Technology Studies and a Master's
                     information, pushing the boundaries of his understanding.                                                              in Science, Technology, and Sustainability, both from Universiti Malaya.

                     Upon graduation, Harith's thirst for knowledge led him to the                                                          Her  academic  pursuit  culminated  in  a  Doctorate  in  Science,  focusing
                     corridors of research institutions, where he honed his skills                                                          on statistical analysis in public health, from the same university. Her
                     as a data analyst. However, Harith's journey was far from over.                                                        current research explores the impact of Traditional Martial Arts on mental
                     Feeling the urge to explore new horizons beyond the confines                                                           health, reflecting her interest in the interplay between physical activities
                     of academia, he embraced the world of data analytics and                                                               and mental wellness. This project is a key part of her wider investigation
                     science. Enrolling in a MySTEP graduate trainee program,                                                               in to  how various physical activities influence mental health outcomes.
                     he found himself at Bank Negara Malaysia, a beacon of                                                                                With  her  expertise  in  statistical  analysis,  Dr.  Nadia  adeptly
                     financial stability in the region.                                                                                                      navigates complex data to extract meaningful conclusions
                                                                                                                                                              that significantly contribute to public health strategies.
                     As a Digital Graduate Analyst, Harith's role was diverse,
                     ranging from currency demand forecasting to fraud                                                                                         Her role goes beyond research; she is actively involved
                     analytics for transactions. But it was his work on                                                                                        in  mentoring  students  and  collaborating  with  fellow
                     implementing generative AI solutions that truly set him                                                                                   researchers, enhancing the academic and scientific
                     apart. Spearheading  the backend  development                                                                                              community's understanding of the links between physical
                     of these solutions, he found himself in                                                                                                    activity and mental health. Dr. Nadia's contributions to
                     the spotlight, presenting directly to key                                                                                                  the field of public health are multifaceted, combining
                     stakeholders and earning recognition for his                                                                                                 her strong foundation in science and technology with
                     technical prowess and strategic acumen.                                                                                                       a deep commitment to exploring and improving
                                                                                                                                                                    mental health through physical activities. Her
                     Through his work, he bridged the gap                                                                                                           work is vital in advancing public health knowledge
                     between  theory  and  practice,  bringing                                                                                                    and outcomes, particularly in understanding the
                     the esoteric world of quantum mechanics                                                                                                     therapeutic benefits and psychological impacts of
                     into the pragmatic realm of finance.                                                                                                        physical exercises like martial arts. Dr. Nadia Samsudin
                                                                                                                                                                 has an impressive record of publications in various
                     Mohd Harith Akmal                                                                                                                            peer-reviewed journals. The following is a list of ISI-
                                                                                                                                                                   indexed and SCOPUS publications that she achieved
                     bin Zulfaizal Fadillah                                                                                                                         since she received her doctorate.

                     Alumnus,                                                                                                                                      Nadia Samsudin
                     Department of Physics
                                                                                                                                                                   Alumnus ,
                                                                                                                                                                   Department of Science and Technology Studies
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