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Alumni Insights                        Alumni Insights

                              abiatul Adawiah Zainal Abidin  had completed  her undergraduate
                              studies  in  2006  by  obtaining  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Bioinformatics
                     Rfield of study at Institute of Biological Sciences. For her, studying
 r. Muhammad Solleh's academic journey began   bioinformatics at Universiti Malaya often involves a mix of excitement, challenge,
 at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ISM),   and sometimes stress. The interdisciplinary nature of bioinformatics pushed
 where  he  enrolled  as  a  student  in  2013.  He   her to be proficient in biology, programming, and statistics. For those who wish
 Dgraduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in   to be a bioinformatician and yet to be familiar with all these areas, her advice
 Mathematics in 2017, followed by a Master of Science in 2019,   is take the challenge positively since the learning curve can be steep enough.
 and finally, completing his Doctor of Philosophy in 2022.   For her, solving complex biological problems through computational methods
                     is exciting, challenging and intellectually stimulating. During her undergrad
                     times, she spent most of the day completing her FYP and thesis writing in
 During his time as a postgraduate student, Dr. Muhammad   DG 1.6. The skills that she developed during her times at campus life mainly
 Solleh also served as a part-time lecturer at ISM for one   on time management in balancing coursework, FYP, and assignment, and in
 semester in 2020/2021, where he shared his expertise   organizational skills. Additionally, she also built professional
 and passion for mathematics with his students. This   relationships through attending conferences, seminars,
 experience further fuelled his passion for teaching   and collaboration on projects. Currently she is working
 and research.                            at MARDI as a Research Officer and focuses on Research
                                          and Development. She has been with MARDI for 14 years.
                                         In her opinion, she found that, the experience gained in
 Today, Dr. Muhammad is a senior lecturer   campus  life  provides  a  foundation  of  both  hard  and  soft
 at the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris   skills that are invaluable across various aspects of life.
 (UPSI), where he specializes in applied        Beyond the technical knowledge and expertise, the
 mathematics, with a focus on partial            soft skills and personal growth experienced during
 differential equations and computational        university years play a significant role in shaping
 fluid dynamics. His journey from student
 to educator is a testament to his dedication    successful and fulfilling careers and lives. Lastly,
                                                 she would like to share few of her thoughts to the
 and passion  for  mathematics, inspiring        younger generation of this time at UM by saying
 future generations of mathematicians.
                                                 that: Let your curiosity drive you. Explore different
                                                disciplines and engage in extracurricular activities
 Muhammad Solleh                               to discover your passions. Be Open to Change: Your

                                               interests and goals might evolve, and that is okay. Be
 Alumnus,                                      open to new paths and opportunities that come your
 Institute of Mathematical Science             way.
                                               Rabiatul Adawiah Zainal

                                            Alumnus ,
                                            Institute of Biological Science
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