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                                     Events & Activities                                                                                                     Events & Activities

                                     LDMRC Young Scientist Bootcamp 2023                                                                              On the 6th of January 2024, amidst the picturesque setting of Padang Var-
                                                                                                                                                   siti B, the Faculty of Science achieved a resounding success in orchestrating
                                     Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre (LDMRC), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,                 the Festival of Interaction Day 2024, a grand affair seamlessly intertwined with
                                   Universiti Malaya has successfully organized the LDMRC Young Scientist Bootcamp 2023 on 27th July               the commencement of the 65th Sapphire Jubilee celebrations of the esteemed
                                   2023. Interestingly, this program was sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Inno-               faculty. This monumental occasion was meticulously brought to life by the
                                   vation Malaysia (MOSTI) and listed under the National Science Week Program 2023. This program is                collaborative efforts of dedicated committee members hailing from various
                                   specifically designed to build awareness and interest in postgraduate programs in nanotechnology                sections, including the Dean's Office, Department of Physics, Department of
                                   among undergraduate students at local non-research universities. This program has attracted 30 stu-             Chemistry, Department of Geology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Institute
                                   dents from various universities including UPSI, UiTM, UTeM, and USIM.                                           of Mathematical Sciences, and the Department of Science and Technology Stu-
                                                                                                                                                      The primary aim of this extraordinary event was to foster a sense of esprit
                                                                                                                             de corps among all staff members, a goal that was not only met but woven into the very fabric of the festivi-
                                      The International Conference of Science, Technology and Society 2023 (iCON-STS 2023)   ties. Encompassing the broader faculty community, the festival encapsulated a spectrum of engaging acti-
                                                                                                                             vities, ranging from invigorating aerobics exercises and spirited telematches for both adults and children to
                                      This programme examines the crucial role that STS plays in resolving sustainability issues, which   a delightful colouring contest designed for the youngest participants (aged 3-6 years old). The day also fea-
                                   are becoming more urgent and complex. While pandemic, climate change, resource depletion and so-  tured a captivating fire demonstration by the skilled firefighters from the Lembah Pantai Fire Department,
                                   cial inequality pose unprecedented threats to our planet, we believe that STS offers a crucial framework   a lively bouncy castle for children under 12, the enchanting presence of a clown armed with balloons,
                                   for comprehending the interactions between scientific and technological development, societal norms   mesmerizing water bubbles, an array of delectable food trucks, and thrilling lucky draws. Undoubtedly, the
                                   and values, and the environment and society. Such interactions are essential to achieving sustainable   pinnacle of the event was marked by the keenly contested competitions for the best-decorated tent and a
                                   development objectives and fostering a more equitable and positive future for all. Approximately 250   tug of war that pitted departments against each other in a friendly yet competitive spirit.
                                   participants, visited the Geology Museum on that day, underscoring the evident interest in such activi-
                                   ties. This positive response suggests a promising outlook for future engagements.            Celebrating its Sapphire Jubilee, the Faculty of Science, established in 1959, stands as a beacon of know-
                                                                                                                             ledge dissemination, leaving an indelible mark on both students and society at large. Over the span of 65
                                                                                                                             years, the faculty has ventured into diverse realms of research and innovation, evolving in tandem with
                                      Geology Museum Open Day 2023                                                           the relentless march of time and technological transformations. This trajectory aligns seamlessly with the
                                                                                                                             overarching mission and vision of Universiti Malaya. The event, with its rich tapestry of activities and cele-
                                      In conjunction with Fossil Day that is celebrated in October annually, the Department of Geology at   bratory fervour, was not only a testament to the faculty's remarkable journey but also an opportunity for all
                                   Universiti Malaya organized the Geology Open Day on 04th November 2023 to promote the educational   staff and attendees to partake in a shared experience, elevating the significance of Interaction Day and the
                                   and scientific value of fossils and other geological treasures.                           jubilant commemoration of the Faculty of Science's Sapphire Jubilee in 2024.
                                      The Open Day, organized in collaboration with UM STEM and student chapters (UMAAPG, UM-
                                   GSM), featured a variety of activities aimed at connecting with school students to enhance their un-
                                   derstanding of Mother Earth and its resources. Geology Museum opened its doors to visitors, featuring
                                   various activities and hands-on experiences by the secretariat.

                                       Biological Sciences Graduate Congress (BSGC)
                                       This is prestigious annual congress that brings together postgraduate students from various ASEAN
                                    research and academic institutes. BSGC has gained global recognition, with participation from more
                                    than 2,000 academics representing 135 research institutes worldwide. This remarkable track record so-
                                    lidifies its position as one of the most prominent events in the region. The focus of this year's congress
                                    is 'Embracing Convergence for Resilience'. The concept of Convergence or 'Convergence' in science is
                                    used to explain the process that unites scientists from various fields to solve problems scientifically
                                    and systematically.
                                                                                                                                                                       The Faculty of Science orchestrated a successful Science Open Day
                                                                                                                                                                    from 14th to 16th May 2024 together with all the departments in the Fa-
                                                                                                                                                                    culty. Drawing 738 attendees, predominantly students and teachers from
                                       Neon Zombie Run                                                                                                              approximately 20 schools in the Klang Valley area, the event's triumphant
                                                                                                                                                                    outcome was a collective effort of the faculty's staff and students.
                                       The objective of this event is to raise funds to provide financial aid to needy Institute of Mathemati-                         The primary aim of this Open Day is to foster the interest of young
                                    cal Sciences (ISM)’s students, particularly those in the B40 financial group, and to encourage University                       individuals in STEM fields, while simultaneously enhancing the visibility
                                    Malaya (UM) students and the public to practise a healthy lifestyle. The theme for the charity run was                          and reputation of Universiti Malaya among the broader public. Encou-
                                    Zombie Run Neon Edition “Blood, Sweat, Brains”. The run was held at night on the campus track and                               raging feedback from participants and guests has inspired the faculty to
                                    attracted a crowd of 227 participants. The event’s unique horror theme, complete with volunteers dres-                          make this as an annual event in the future.
                                    sed as zombies, added and exciting twist to the traditional charity run experience. The overwhelming
                                    success and positive feedback from participants have sparked an interest to make the Zombie Run
                                    Neon Edition an annual tradition.

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