Page 174 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Multiple  linear  regressions:   SIT2011
               Estimated   multiple   linear   STATISTICS AND
               regression. Hypothesis testing,   COMMUNITY
               ANOVA,  Confidence  Interval,
               Model    selection   criteria,   This  course  exposes  students
               Diagnostics   for   influential   to some aspects of statistics in
               observations          and      community. The main aim is to
               multicollinearity. Introduction to   highlight  the  role  of  official
               logistic   and     Poisson     statistics in society. The topics
               regression.                    chosen  for  this  course  come
                                              from  a  variety  of  different
               Assessment:                    areas,    for    example,
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     statisticians  and  their  work,
               Final Examination: 60%         statistics  and  technology,  and
                                              statistics and society. Students
                                              will work in groups on projects
               SIT2010                        related to the topics discussed
               STOCHASTIC PROCESSES           in  lectures.  Students  will  use
                                              elements  of  statistics  in  the
               Definition  and  examples  of   planning  a  community  project
               stochastic      processes:     including        designing
               Gambler’s   ruin   problem,    questionnaire,   collecting/
               Brownian  motion  and  Poisson   managing/analyzing  data  and
               process. Introduction to simple   reporting  the  findings.  Each
               random  walk.  Discrete  time   group is required to identify and
               Markov   Chains.   Transition   plan activities for a community
               probability. Properties of class.   partnership  that  will  not  only
               Transience  and  recurrence    help  them  to  enhance  their
               properties.      Absorbing     understanding   or   gain   a
               probability.     Stationary    different  perspective  of  their
               distribution   and   limiting   project  but  will  also  be
               probability.   Markov   chain   beneficial  to  the  community
               simulations and applications.   partner.  Each  student  will  be
               Assessment:                    required  to  record  a  reflection
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     of  their  experiences  before,
               Final Examination: 60%         during and after the field work
                                              at  the  community  partner  and
                                              to submit their record with the
                                              group project report at the end
                                              of  the  semester.  Students  are
                                              also  required  to  do  a  group
                                              presentation  based  on  the

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