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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Moment  generating  functions.   interval   and   tests   of
               Distributions of functions of one   independence. Regression and
               random  variable.  Independent   Correlation:   continuous
               random variables. Distributions   response  data,  simple  and
               of sum of independent random   multiple linear model.
               variables. Functions related to
               normal   random   variables.   Statistical tests: Goodness of fit
               Central    limit   theorem.    tests,  ANOVA,  Nonparametric
               Approximation   for   discrete   test.
               distributions.  Limiting  moment
               generating functions.          Statistical Report Writing.
               Assessment:                    Assessment:
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     Continuous Assessment: 50%
               Final Examination: 60%         Final Examination: 50%

               SIT1002                        SIT2001
               STATISTICAL                    PROBABILITY AND
               PROGRAMMING                    STATISTICS II
               Introduction  to  the  statistical   Distributions  of  two  and  more
               programming software. Logical   dimensional random variables.
               operations.  Vector,  matrices   Correlation   coefficient.
               and    arrays.   Sequence,     Conditional   distributions.
               decision  statement  and  loops.   Bivariate  normal  distribution.
               Writing  functions.  Data  inputs.   Transformation of two random
               Data    frames.   Graphics.    variables. Distributions of order
               Random  number  generation.    statistics.
               Applications to statistics.
                                              Biased    and    unbiased
               Assessment:                    estimators.   Method   of
               Continuous Assessment: 70%     moments. Method of maximum
               Final Examination: 30%         likelihood.  Confidence  interval
                                              for:  mean,  proportion  and
                                              variance  of  single  population;
               SIT1003                        difference between two means,
               ANALYSIS OF DATA AND           difference   between   two
               STATISTICAL REPORT             proportions   and   ratio   of
               WRITING                        variances.
               Descriptive       statistics.   Hypothesis  testing  for:  mean,
               Hypothesis testing, confidence   proportion  and  variance  of

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