Page 168 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 168

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Assessment:                    Ross  model,  Black-Derman-
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     Toy binomial tree.
               Final Examination: 60%
                                              Models   for   credit   risk:
                                              Structural,  reduced  form  and
               SIQ3004                        intensity based models, Merton
               MATHEMATICS OF                 model,  valuing  credit  risky
               FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES          bonds.
               Introduction to derivatives: Call   Assessment:
               and  put  options,  forwards,   Continuous Assessment: 40%
               futures, put-call parity.      Final Examination: 60%

               Binomial  models:  one-step
               model,  arbitrage,  upper  and   SIQ3005
               lower bounds of options prices,   LIFE INSURANCE AND
               construction   of   multi-step   TAKAFUL
               binomial tree.
                                              Insurance  products  and  unit-
               The   Black-Scholes   model:   linked  insurance;  Group  Life
               Pricing   formula,   options   insurance;  Operation  of  a  Life
               Greeks,   trading   strategies,   Insurance     company:
               volatility.                    underwriting, claims, marketing
                                              and distribution methods; Profit
               Hedging: Market making, delta   testing;   Takaful   insurance;
               hedging, Black-Scholes partial   Regulations:  Insurance  Act,
               differential  equation,  delta-  taxation  and  role  of  Bank
               gamma-theta approximation.     Negara in Insurance Industry.
               Exotic  options:  Asian  options,   Assessment:
               barrier   options,   compound   Continuous Assessment: 40%
               options,  gap  options,  all-or-  Final Examination: 60%
               nothing   options,   exchange
               Brownian  motion  and  Itô’s   RISK THEORY
               lemma: Brownian motion, Itô’s
               lemma,     Sharpe    ratio,    Loss   distributions:   Claim
               martingale    representation   frequency  and  claim  severity
               theorem,                       distributions,   creating   new
                                              distributions,   parameter
               Term structure of interest rate:   estimation   methods,
               Vasicek  model,  Cox-Ingersoll-

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