Page 165 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 165

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Dynamic    similarity   and    Assessment:
               boundary layer approximation.   Continuous Assessment: 40%
                                              Final Examination: 60%
               Solutions of flow problems and
               initial/boundary   conditions
               using   computational   fluid   SIQ2001
               dynamics methods.              MICROECONOMICS
               Assessment:                    Fundamental   principles   of
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     economics; price theory which
               Final Examination: 60%         covers  the  demand  model,
                                              supply  model  and  equilibrium
                                              point; shape of demand curve
               SIM3030                        and   consumer   behavior;
               DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS              substitution   effects   and
               THEORY                         income; shape of supply curve
                                              and behavior of firms; theory of
               Flows on the line. Flows on the   production   and   cost   of
               circle.  Two-dimensional  flows.   production;   analysis   of
               Phase  plane.  Limit  cycles.   competitive  markets  in  the
               Bifurcations. Three- and higher   short  term;  monopoly  and
               dimensional   flows.   Phase   oligopoly.
               space.   Chaos.   Numerical
               simulations. Applications.     Assessment:
                                              Continuous Assessment: 40%
               Assessment:                    Final Examination: 60%
               Continuous Assessment: 50%
               Final Examination: 50%
               INTRODUCTION TO                Macroeconomic  issues  and
               ACCOUNTING                     problems;      fundamental
                                              concepts  of  national  income;
               Basic principles of accounting –   method  of  calculating  national
               including the role of accounting   income;   simple   Keynesian
               standards.  Different  types  of   model;  derivation  of  IS  curve,
               business entity. Basic structure   LM  curve,  aggregate  demand
               of    company    accounts.     curve,  and  aggregate  supply
               Interpretation  and  limitation  of   curve;  relationship  between
               company accounts.              interest   rates,   monetary
                                              demand,  consumption  and
                                              investments;   relationship

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