Page 160 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIM3004                        Penrose  inverses,  the  best
               ADVANCED LINEAR                approximation  solutions,  least
               ALGEBRA                        squares  solutions.  Kronecker
                                              products   of    matrices,
               Inner  product  spaces,  the   permutations,  matrix  functions
               Cauchy-Schwarz   inequality,   of Kronecker products, Schmidt
               the           Gram-Schmidt     rank and decompositions.
               orthogonalization   process,
               orthogonal    complements,     Assessment:
               orthogonal projections.  Adjoint   Continuous Assessment: 40%
               operators,  normal  operators,   Final Examination: 60%
               self-adjoint  operators,  unitary
               operators,   positive   definite
               operators.    Bilinear  forms,   SIM3006
               congruence,  rank,  Sylvester’s   ALGEBRA II
               law  of  inertia,  classification  of
               symmetric  bilinear  forms,  real   This  is  a  second  course  in
               quadratic  forms.    The  Schur   abstract algebra and will cover
               triangularization  theorem,  the   more  advanced  topics  on
               primary       decomposition    groups  and  rings.  Topics  on
               theorem, the Jordan canonical   groups    include    the
               form.                          isomorphism      theorems,
                                              various subgroups such as the
               Assessment:                    centre   and   commutator
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     subgroups,  finitely  generated
               Final Examination: 60%         abelian groups,  automorphism
                                              groups,  permutation  groups,
                                              and p-groups.
               MATRIX THEORY                  For  rings,  the  focus  is  on
                                              commutative  rings.  Topics  on
               Rank  and  nullity  of  matrices,   rings include the maximal and
               Sylvester’s  law  inequality,  the   prime ideals, polynomial rings,
               Frobenius  inner  product,  the   irreducible polynomials and the
               Gram-Schmidt  process,  the    unique factorization theorem.
               continuity argument.  Rank and
               full  rank  decompositions,  LU   Assessment:
               and   QR    decompositions,    Continuous Assessment: 40%
               spectral    decompositions,    Final Examination: 60%
               singular value decompositions,
               polar       decompositions,
               Cholesky    decompositions.
               Generalized  inverses,  Moore-

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