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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               and   assignment   problems.   domains  and  fields;  subrings,
               Integer  programming,  game    ideals  and  quotient  rings;  ring
               theory    and     dynamic      homomorphisms;   polynomial
               programming.                   rings,  the  Division  algorithm
                                              and  Euclidean  algorithm  in
               Assessment:                    polynomial rings.
               Continuous Assessment: 40%
               Final Examination: 60%         Assessment:
                                              Continuous Assessment: 40%
                                              Final Examination: 60%
               INTRODUCTION TO
               COMBINATORICS                  SIM2015
                                              INTRODUCTION TO
               Ordered   and   equivalence    ANALYSIS
               relations,   binomial   and
               multinomial      theorems,     Sequences.  Topology  of  the
               recurrence  relations,  principle   real   line.   Compactness.
               of  inclusion  and  exclusion,   Properties   of   continuous
               generating   functions,   Latin   functions.  Uniform  continuity.
               squares, magic squares, basic   Derivative   of   a   function.
               properties  of  graphs,  circuits   Properties   of   differentiable
               and cycles in graphs, trees and   functions.   Mean   Value
               their applications.            Theorems.   Higher   order
                                              derivatives. L’Hospital’s Rules.
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     Assessment:
               Final Examination: 60%         Continuous Assessment: 40%
                                              Final Examination: 60%

               ALGEBRA I                      SIM2016
                                              COMPLEX VARIABLES
               Group   Theory   -   abstract
               groups,  subgroups,  cyclic  and   Complex  numbers,  complex
               dihedral  groups;  order  of  an   functions,  limits,  continuity.
               element  and  of  a  subgroup,   Differentiable   and   analytic
               Lagrange’s  theorem;  cosets,   functions,   Cauchy-Riemann
               normal  subgroups  and  factor   equations, harmonic functions.
               groups;              group     Sequences  and  series  of
               homomorphisms.                 complex          numbers,
                                              convergence   tests,   power
               Ring  Theory  –  rings,  integral   series.  Elementary  functions:

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