Page 162 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Calculus    of    residues;    SIM3020
               calculation of definite integrals.   INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
               Residue Theory. Evaluation of
               certain  integrals.  Argument   Candidates  are  required  to
               principle,  Rouche’s  Theorem.  spend a minimum of 16 weeks
               Maximum  modulus  principle.   working   with    selected
               Conformal mappings.            companies in selected areas of
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     Assessment:
               Final Examination: 60%         Continuous Assessment:100%

               SIM3012                        SIM3021
               REAL ANALYSIS                  MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE
               Infinite  series,  convergence.
               Tests    of   convergence.     Subject to supervising lecturer.
               Absolute   and   conditional
               convergence.  Rearrangement    Assessment:
               of   series.   Pointwise   and   Continuous Assessment:100%
               uniform       convergence.     SIM3022
               Properties   of    uniform     CRYPTOGRAPHY
               convergence.    Superior  limit
               and inferior limit.  Power series,   Basic concept of cryptography,
               radius  of  convergence.  Taylor   data   security,   complexity
               series.   Riemann   integral.   theory  and  number  theory.
               Integrable functions. Properties   Encryption  algorithms,  secret
               of   the   Riemann   integral.   key  cryptography,  public  key
               Integration   in   relation   to   cryptography,  hash  functions.
               differentiation. Differentiation of   Quantum   cryptography.
               integrals.  Improper  integrals.   Applications of cryptography.
               Sequences  and  series  of
               functions.                     Assessment:
                                              Continuous Assessment: 40%
               Assessment:                    Final Examination: 60%
               Continuous Assessment: 40%
               Final Examination: 60%

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