Page 159 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 159

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIM2021                        permutations          and
               OPTIMIZATION                   combinations,     Catalan
               TECHNIQUES                     numbers, Stirling numbers and
                                              partition numbers.
               Unconstraint   optimization,
               necessary   and   sufficient   Existential   combinatorics:
               conditions  for  an  extremum   pigeonhole  principle,  Ramsey
               point.  Constraint  optimization.   theory  of  graphs  and  systems
               Type of constraint. A variation   of distinct representatives.
               of  techniques  for  solving
               nonlinear problems.            Combinatorial  designs:  block
                                              designs,  balanced  incomplete
               Assessment:                    block  designs,  Steiner  triple
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     systems   and   Hadamard
               Final Examination: 60%         matrices.

               SIM3001                        Continuous Assessment: 40%
               GRAPH THEORY                   Final Examination: 60%

               Graph    theory   and   its
               applications.                  SIM3003
                                              NUMBER THEORY
               Topics will be selected from the
               following:   Eulerian   graphs,   Prime  numbers.  The  division
               trees,  planar  graphs,  graph   algorithm   and   unique
               colouring   and   chromatic    factorization   theorem   for
               polynomials,    Hamiltonian    integers.  Linear  diophantine
               graphs,   matching   theory,   equations.   Theory    of
               directed   graphs   and   the   congruence  and  the  Chinese
               shortest path problem, network   Remainder  Theorem.  RSA
               theory.                        encryption.      Quadratic
                                              reciprocity  and  the  Legendre
               Assessment:                    symbol.  Arithmetic  functions.
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     Primitive roots.
               Final Examination: 60%
                                              Continuous Assessment: 40%
               SIM3002                        Final Examination: 60%

               Enumerative   combinatorics:

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