Page 156 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Assessment:                    SIM2011
               Continuous Assessment:100%     STRUCTURED

               SIM2010                        Algorithms:     Structured
               NUMERICAL COMPUTATION          programming   –   sequence,
                                              decision  statement  and  loops.
               Computer  arithmetic:  floating-  Object-oriented design.
               point numbers, round-off error,
               machine          precision,    Programming:   fundamental
               overflow/underflow,  numerical   data types – int, double, char.
               cancellation, truncation error.   Operators,  precedence  order.
                                              Pre-processor  directives.  In-
               Taylor polynomials and limits.   built  functions.  User-defined
                                              functions – pass by value and
               Interpolation:    Lagrange     reference.  One-  and  two-
               interpolation, divided difference   dimensional arrays.
               method,  Hermite  interpolation,
               cubic spline interpolation.    Introduction  to  user-defined
                                              data  types  –  structures  and
               Roots  of  nonlinear  equation:   classes.
               bisection  method,  fixed-point
               iteration,   Newton–Raphson    Applications   of   numerical
               method, secant method.         methods:  integer  and  floating
                                              point  arithmetic,  root  finding,
               Numerical     differentiation:   solutions of ordinary differential
               Forward, backward and central   equations.  Use  of  random
               finite difference methods.     number generator.

               Numerical       Integration:   Assessment:
               trapezoidal,    Simpson’s,     Continuous Assessment: 50%
               Romberg’s         methods.     Final Examination: 50%
               Composite methods.

               System  of  linear  equations.   SIM2012
               Matrix   factorization,   LU   BASIC OPERATIONS
               factorization.                 RESEARCH

               Assessment:                    Introduction to the problems in
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     operations       research,
               Final Examination: 60%         modelling,   formulation   and
                                              examples.           Linear
                                              programming,   transportation

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