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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIM3007                        SIM3009
               RING THEORY                    DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY

               This  course  includes  both   Vector  algebra  on  Euclidean
               commutative    and    non-     space.  Lines  and  planes.
               commutative rings. Topics that   Change   of   coordinates.
               will  be  discussed  include   Differential geometry of curves.
               subrings, subfields and ideals;   Frenet Equations. Local theory
               internal direct sum and external   of surfaces in Euclidean space.
               direct  product;  nil  ideals,   First  and  second  fundamental
               nilpotent  ideals;  modules  and   forms.  Gaussian  curvatures
               submodules;   prime   ideals,   and   mean     curvatures.
               maximal  ideals;  prime  radical   Geodesics.   Gauss-Bonnet
               and     Jacobson   radical;    Theorem.
               semiprime  and  semiprimitive
               rings;   rings   with   chain   Assessment:
               conditions; group rings.       Continuous Assessment: 40%
                                              Final Examination: 60%
               Continuous Assessment: 40%
               Final Examination: 60%         SIM3010

               SIM3008                        Topological       Spaces.
               GROUP THEORY                   Continuity, connectedness and
                                              compactness.    Separation
               The    three   isomorphism     axioms and countability. Metric
               theorems. Cyclic groups. Direct   spaces. Product spaces.
               product of groups. Introduction
               to the three Sylow’s Theorems.   Assessment:
               Classification  of  groups  up  to   Continuous Assessment: 40%
               order  8.  Finitely  generated   Final Examination: 60%
               abelian  groups.  Permutation
               Assessment:                    COMPLEX ANALYSIS
               Continuous Assessment: 40%
               Final Examination: 60%         Infinite   series   expansions:
                                              convergence  and  divergence
                                              and  region  of  convergence.
                                              Taylor  and  Laurent  theorems.
                                              Classification   of   isolated
                                              singularities. Zeroes and poles.

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