Page 164 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 164

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               problems.                      SIM3028
                                              INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS
               Assessment:                    RESEARCH
               Continuous Assessment: 40%
               Final Examination: 60%         Introduction
                                              Definition  of  a  network.  Node,
                                              branch and path.
               MATHEMATICAL                   Network flow
               PROGRAMMING                    Shortest   path   (distance),
                                              decision  tree,  maximum  flow,
               Introduction   of    linear    maximum flow-minimum cost.
               programming  in  matrix  form.
               The  simplex  method  in  matrix   Activity network
               form,   two-phase   simplex    Critical  path  model  method
               method in matrix form. Revised   (cpm),   Project   valuation.
               simplex method in matrix form.   Optimal   path.   Project
               Two  phase  revised  simplex   scheduling.     Probability
               method   in   matrix   form.   analysis.
               Sensitivity   analysis.   Dual
               simplex.   Integer   linear    Assessment:
               programming  (cutting  plane   Continuous Assessment: 40%
               algorithms,   binary   (0-1)).   Final Examination: 60%
               Parametric           linear
               programming.  Upper  bounded
               variables   method.   Goal     SIM3029
               programming      (graphical    COMPUTATIONAL FLUID
               method,   simplex   method),   DYNAMICS
               Karmarkar’s   interior   point
               algorithm,     Dantzig-Wolf    Concepts  of  fluid  dynamics:
               decomposition principle.       types  of  fluids  and  flows.
                                              Solution  approaches  to  fluid
               Assessment:                    dynamics.   Forces,   laws
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     governing  fluid  motion  and
               Final Examination: 60%         conservation  of  momentum.
                                              Dynamics  in  one  dimension
                                              and motion on a plane.
                                              Derivation  of  stream  function
                                              and   equations   of   Euler,
                                              Bernoulli  and  Navier-Stokes.
                                              Dimensional   analysis   and
                                              dimensionless   parameters.

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