Page 155 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 155
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
Open and closed sets, appreciation of the beauty of
accumulation points. mathematics and the role
mathematics plays in society.
Assessment: The topics chosen for this
Continuous Assessment: 40% course come from a variety of
Final Examination: 60% different areas, for example,
mathematical puzzles and
games, famous solved or
SIM2002 unsolved mathematical
LINEAR ALGEBRA problems and their history,
mathematicians and their work,
Vector spaces and subspaces, mathematics and music,
null spaces, sums and direct mathematics and origami,
sums of subspaces. Linear mathematics in technology and
independences, bases, mathematics in nature.
dimension, the subspaces Students will be put into groups
dimension theorem, row and and each group will work on a
column spaces, rank, ordered project related to any of the
bases, coordinates, changes of topics discussed in the
basis. Linear transformations, lectures. Students collectively
kernel and range, the rank- will use elements of
nullity theorem, isomorphisms, mathematics to undertake the
matrix representations. project. Each group is also
Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, required to identify and plan
characteristic polynomials, activities for a community
diagonalizability, the Cayley- partnership that will not only
Hamilton Theorem. help them to enhance their
understanding or gain a
Assessment: different perspective of their
Continuous Assessment: 40% project but will also be
Final Examination: 60% beneficial to the community
partner. Each student will be
required to record a reflection
SIM2007 of their experiences before,
APPRECIATION OF during and after the fieldwork at
MATHEMATICS the community partner and to
submit their record with the
This course exposes students group project report at the end
to some aesthetic aspects of of the semester. Students are
mathematics that they may not also required to do a group
have encountered in other presentation based on the
mathematics courses. The project.
main aim is to promote