Page 170 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 170
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
Actuarial assumptions: the Exposed to risk: Exact exposed
Service Table, secondary to risk, approximate exposed to
decrements, interest, inflation, risk using census data.
and salary Increases.
Assessment: Continuous Assessment: 40%
Continuous Assessment: 40% Final Examination: 60%
Final Examination: 60%
This course enables the
Estimation of lifetime students to understand and
distributions: lifetime deepen their knowledge of
distributions, cohort studies, business finance theories. In
censoring, Kaplan-Meier addition, it will enable them to
estimates, Cox regression understand various advance
model and its estimation. techniques related to risk and
return capital structure,
Markov models: Multi-state dividend policy, long-term
Markov models, Kolmogorov financing instruments such as
forward equations, estimation bonds and equities, risk
of the force of mortality, management and mergers and
estimation of multi-state model acquisitions.
transition intensities.
Binomial and Poisson models Continuous Assessment: 40%
of mortality: Binomial model of Final Examination: 60%
mortality, uniform and constant
force of mortality assumptions,
maximum likelihood estimator SIQ3012
for the rate of mortality, FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS
Poisson models. MANAGEMENT
Graduation and statistical tests: This course discusses the
methods of graduating crude various financial tools
estimates, Chi-square test, employed to effectively
standardised deviation test, manage a company’s financial
sign test, grouping of sign test, condition and strategic thinking
serial correlations test. in financial management. Other
topics discussed are financial
statement and analysis, time