Page 170 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Actuarial   assumptions:   the   Exposed to risk: Exact exposed
               Service   Table,   secondary   to risk, approximate exposed to
               decrements,  interest,  inflation,   risk using census data.
               and salary Increases.
               Assessment:                    Continuous Assessment: 40%
               Continuous Assessment: 40%     Final Examination: 60%
               Final Examination: 60%

               SIQ3010                        BUSINESS FINANCE
               SURVIVAL MODELS
                                              This   course   enables   the
               Estimation   of    lifetime    students  to  understand  and
               distributions:     lifetime    deepen  their  knowledge  of
               distributions,  cohort  studies,   business  finance  theories.  In
               censoring,    Kaplan-Meier     addition, it will enable them to
               estimates,   Cox   regression   understand  various  advance
               model and its estimation.      techniques  related  to  risk  and
                                              return   capital   structure,
               Markov  models:  Multi-state   dividend   policy,   long-term
               Markov  models,  Kolmogorov    financing  instruments  such  as
               forward  equations,  estimation   bonds   and   equities,   risk
               of  the  force  of  mortality,   management and mergers and
               estimation of multi-state model   acquisitions.
               transition intensities.
               Binomial  and  Poisson  models   Continuous Assessment: 40%
               of mortality: Binomial model of   Final Examination: 60%
               mortality, uniform and constant
               force of mortality assumptions,
               maximum  likelihood  estimator   SIQ3012
               for  the  rate  of  mortality,   FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS
               Poisson models.                MANAGEMENT
               Graduation and statistical tests:   This  course  discusses  the
               methods  of  graduating  crude   various   financial   tools
               estimates,  Chi-square  test,   employed   to   effectively
               standardised  deviation  test,   manage a company’s financial
               sign test, grouping of sign test,   condition and strategic thinking
               serial correlations test.      in financial management. Other
                                              topics  discussed  are  financial
                                              statement  and  analysis,  time

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