Page 260 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

                                   B. Sc. Physics

                              SYNOPSES OF COURSES

                                    CORE COURSES
               LEVEL 1

               SIF1003 THERMAL PHYSICS (2 CREDITS)
               Temperature,   heat   conduction,   diffusion;   Zeroth   law   of
               thermodynamics; PVT system, Ideal gas, van der Waal gas; Work,
               heat,  internal  energy;  First,  Second  and  Third  laws  of
               thermodynamics;  Entropy,  enthalpy,  thermodynamic  potentials;
               Phase  transition,  phase  diagrams;  Kinetic  theory  for  ideal  gas;
               Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution; Real gas。

               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%
                Continuous Assessment:   40%

               SIF1005 ELECTRONICS I (2 CREDITS)
               Circuit  Theory:  Ohm’s  law,  Kirchhoff’s  law,  Thevenin’s  theorem,
               Norton’s  theorem,  Current  and  voltage  divider.  Circuit  analysis
               technique: mesh and nodal analysis methods.
               Energy  band  diagrams,  properties  of  semiconductor,  PN  junction,
               forward  and  reverse  bias  conditions,  the  current-voltage
               characteristics and simple diode circuits; Diodes Application:  Zener
               diode, half-wave, full-wave, bridge rectifiers; transformer, capacitor-
               input and choke-input filters, voltage regulators.
               Bipolar junction Transistor (BJT): Characteristics of transistor, simple
               transistor circuit, current and voltage gain, load line concept, biasing
               requirements, D.C analysis of the BJT circuit。

               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%
                Continuous Assessment:   40%

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