Page 261 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIF1006 PRACTICAL PHYSICS 1 (2 CREDITS)

               Experimental  data  analysis:  precision  and  accuracy,  significant
               figures, systematic error, statistical error, propagation of uncertainties
               of measurement, uncertainty analysis, statistical analysis.
               Physics experiments on the topics of mechanics.
               Physics experiments on the topics of electricity.
               Physics experiments on the topics of magnetism.
               Physics experiments on the topics of optics and modern physics.

               Assessment Method:
                Continuous Assessment:   100%


               Sinusoidal  vibrations:  Description  of  simple  harmonic  motion,  The
               rotating-vector  representation,  Rotating  vectors  and  complex
               numbers,  Complex  exponential  in  waves,  Superposed  vibrations in
               one dimension, Two superposed vibrations of equal frequency.
               Superposed  vibrations  of  different  frequency:  beats,  Many
               superposed  vibrations  of  the  same  frequency,  Combination  of  two
               vibrations  at  right  angles,  Perpendicular  motions  with  equal
               Perpendicular  motions  with  different  frequencies:  Lissajous  figures,
               Free  vibrations  of  physical  systems;  basic  mass-string  problem,
               Solving the harmonic oscillator equation using complex exponentials,
               Damped  oscillations,  Forced  vibrations  and  resonance,  Undamped
               oscillator  with  harmonic  forcing,  Complex  exponential  method  for
               forced  oscillations,  Forced  oscillations  with  damping,  transient
               phenomena, Power absorbed by a driven oscillator.
               Coupled  oscillators  and  normal  modes:  Two  coupled  pendulums,
               Superposition  of  normal  modes,  Normal  frequencies  -  general
               analytical approach, Forced vibration and resonance for two coupled
               Progressive waves:  what  is a wave?,  Normal modes and travelling
               waves,  Progressive  waves  in  one  direction,  Superposition  of  wave
               Dispersion: phase and group velocities

               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%
                Continuous Assessment:   40%

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