Page 265 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIX1016 STATISTICS (3 CREDITS)

               Introduction  to  statistics;  Experimental  and  observational  studies;
               Display  and organisation  of  data;  Descriptive statistics;  Population
               and  samples;  Sampling  methods;  Basic  probability  theory;  Useful
               probability  distributions:  binomial,  Poisson  and  normal;  Sampling
               distributions; Central Limit Theorem; Point estimation and confidence
               Hypothesis  testing  for  mean  and  proportion  in  one  and  two
               populations;  Chi-square  tests;  Simple  linear  regression  and
               correlation analysis.

               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     0%
                Continuous Assessment:   100%

               LEVEL 2

               SIF2001 QUANTUM MECHANICS I (3 CREDITS)
               Operators:  Hilbert  space,  observables,  eigenfunctions  of  Hermitian
               operator, generalised uncertainty principle, Dirac notation.
               Quantum mechanics in 3-D: Schrödinger equation in 3-D, hydrogen
               atom, angular momentum, spin.
               Identical  Particles:  Two-particle  system,  atoms,  solids,  quantum
               statistical mechanics.
               Time-Independent Perturbation Theory: Nondegenerate perturbation
               theory,  degenerate  perturbation  theory,  fine  structure  of  hydrogen,
               Zeeman effect, hyperfine splitting.
               Time-Dependent  Perturbation  Theory:  Two-level  system,  emission
               and absorption of radiation, spontaneous emission.
               Molecules: H2 molecule, rotation of molecules.
               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%
                Continuous Assessment:   40%


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