Page 266 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 266

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Electrostatics: electric charge and force, Coulomb’s law, electric field,
               discrete  and  continuous  charge  distributions,  Gauss’  law,  electric
               potential  and  electric  potential  energy,  electric  conductors, induced
               charges, capacitance and capacitors.
               Electrostatics in matter: electric dipole, dielectric polarization, electric
               field  in  dielectric,  capacitance  with  dielectrics,  energy  density  in
               electric fields.
               Electric currents: electric charge conservation, Ohm’s law, electrical
               resistivity  and  conductivity,  microscopic  view  of  electric  current,
               electric power.
               Magnetostatics: Lorentz's force on charges and currents in magnetic
               and  electric  field,  Biot-Savart’s  law,  steady  current,  stable  current
               magnetic field, Ampere’s law.
               Magnetostatics   in   matter:   magnetization,   diamagnetism,
               paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and anti-ferromagnetism.
               Electrodynamics: Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law, electromotive force
               (emf),  electromagnetic induction, mutual inductance, self-inductance,
               inductor, energy stored in magnetic field.
               Maxwell’s  equations:  Maxwell’s  displacement  current,  the  general
               Maxwell’s equations in integral form and differential form, Maxwell’s
               equations in vacuum and electromagnetic waves in vacuum.
               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%
                Continuous Assessment:   40%

               Revision on electricity and magnetism in derivative forms. Coordinate
               systems: cylindrical, rectangle and spherical coordinates, Divergence
               theorem  and  Stokes’  theorem,  imaging  method,  Gauss  theorem  in
               derivative  form,  divergence  and  curl  of  magnetic  field,  Laplace
               equation in 2 and 3 dimensions, boundary conditions and theorem of
               uniqueness, boundary conditions for D, E, B and H vectors, Free and
               bounded  charges,  Field  variation  with  time,  Maxwell’s  equations  in
               differential and integral forms, Solution to Maxwell’s equations in free
               space, Maxwell equations in matter, Scalar potential, vector potential
               and  Gauge  transformation.  Electromagnetic  waves:  In  free  space,
               polarization,  reflection  and  transmission  in  medium,  Helmholtz’s
               Electromagnetic wave propagation: Poynting theorem and Poynting
               vector,  electromagnetic  wave  in  conducting  and  nonconducting
               medium,  frequency  dependence  of  permittivity  and  conductivity,
               dispersion in nonconducting medium, propagation of electromagnetic

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