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P. 271
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
particles, two-electron atoms, multi-electron atoms, coupling of
angular momentum, periodic table, hyperfine structure, spectral
linewidth, time-dependent perturbation theorem, atom and photonic
interaction, excited radiation, spontaneous emission, stimulated
absorbtion and emission, Einstein A and B coefficients, diatomic
molecules and their spectral – vibration, rotation, electronic.
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Introduction to types of solids, structure of crystalline solids:
periodicity, lattice and unit cell, Bravais lattices, directions and planes
in crystals, X-ray diffraction, diffraction techniques, reciprocal lattice,
Brillouin zone, bonding in solids, dynamics of monoatomic and
diatomic lattices (1-D and 3-D), density of states, dispersion of
phonons, thermal properties: specific heat capacity, thermal
conductivity, free and quantized electron models, D.C. conductivity
and electron dispersion, band theory of solids: Bloch function, Kronig-
Penney model, band theory of solids: effective mass, density of states
and concentration of electrons.
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Scientific methods (past, present and future philosophies driving
discoveries and innovations, design-thinking and first principle
approach); Examples of case studies: Cavendish Lab, AT&T Bell Lab,
MIT Media Lab, SpaceX/ Google Research, NTT, Samsung
Research, Huawei R&D; Physics empowering industry revolutions
(IR1.0 (mechanics & thermodynamics), IR2.0 (electric, magnets &
electromagnetic wave), IR3.0 (semiconductors, computers, optical
fibres, internet) – IR4.0 (energy cell/batteries, Internet of Thing (IoT),
sensors network, data storage, information processing and AI); Public
communication of science and citizen science, Physics for work in
manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, food and beverage, security &
surveillence, arts and entertainment industries. Physics for
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)- case studies: SDG 3 (Good
Health & Wellbeing), SDG6 (Clean Water & Sanitation), SDG7