Page 276 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 276
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
Digital number system: binary, octal, hexadecimal, binary coded
Logic gates: AND, OR NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR; logic gates TTL
Logic circuits: Boolean algebra, truth table for Boolean expression,
derivation circuit from Boolean expression
Karnaugh map simplification with three, four and five variables
TTL chip specification, CMOS, interface,
Schmitt Trigger: Function and functional
Combinational logic circuit: half adders, full adder, binary multiplication
Sequential logic: SR, JK, D, T flip flops
Register: parallel, series, shifter, ring counter, frequency divider
Memory: RAM, ROM, PROM etc
Digital device, PLD, PAL, PLC, micro-controller
Analog digital interface
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Nature of light; Optical interferometer; Dielectric mirror; Diffraction
gratings; P-N junctions; Principles and characteristics of
photodetectors; PIN and avalanche photodiodes; Photon counters;
Single photon detectors and Photo Multiplier Tube; Light emitting
diodes; Semiconductor lasers; Semiconductor optical amplifiers;
Electro-optics effect; Acousto-optics effect; Pockels effect; Optical
modulators: Phase, polarization and amplitude; Bit rate and
bandwidth; Transmitter and receiver modules types for optical
communications; Optical storage; Optical imaging (CCD and CMOS);
Physics of Solar Cells.
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Feynman diagrams, electromagnetic and weak forces, fundamental
particles and forces, natural units; Leptons and neutrino oscillations;
Quarks and hadrons; Symmetries : C, P and T, C, P and CP violations,
and CPT; Quark model: isospin symmetry and bound states;
Relativistic kinematics: four-vector and cross section; QCD: