Page 269 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 269

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIF2027 OPTICS (3 CREDITS)

               Nature  of  light:  brief  history;  Wave-particle  duality;  The
               electromagnetic  spectrum;  Radiometry  &  Photometry;  Black  body
               radiation; Optical radiation sources.
               Matrix methods in paraxial optics; ABCD matrix; Reflection in plane
               mirrors  and  refraction  through  plane  surfaces;  Reflection  and
               refraction  at  spherical  surface;  thin  lenses,  cylindrical  lenses,  thick
               lenses; prisms.
               Wave  equation;  Harmonic  waveforms:  plane,  spherical,  and
               cylindrical;  Electromagnetic  waves;  superposition;  two-beam
               interference & two slit (Young) interference; Interference in dielectric
               films,  multiple-beam  interference;  Optical  interferometry:  Michelson
               interferometer, Fabry-Perot Interferometer.
               Huygen-Fresnel  principle;  Fraunhofer  diffraction:  diffraction  from
               single slit, multiple slits-diffraction grating.
               Polarized  light;  Polarization  by  selective  absorption,  reflection,
               scattering,  birefringence  &  dichroism;  Jones  vectors  and  matrices;
               Fresnel equations. Fresnel diffraction & Fresnel lens
               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%
                Continuous Assessment:   40%

               Fourier Series and Transformation Series: Periodic functions, Fourier
               series,  average  value  of  a  function,  Fourier  coefficient,  Dirichlet
               condition, complex form of Fourier Series, general interval, even and
               odd  functions,  Parseval  theorem.  Fourier  transformation  and
               Parserval  Theorem.  Laplace  Transforms,  Solution  of  differential
               equations  by  Laplace  transforms,  Dirac  Delta  Function,  Laplace
               transform of a delta function; Fourier transform of a delta function
               Special  Functions:  Factorial  functions,  Gamma  functions,  Beta
               functions,  relationship  between  Beta  and  Gamma  functions,  error
               functions, asymptotic series, Stirling formula and elliptical integrals.
               Series  Solution  for  Differential  Equations:  Legendre  equations,
               Leibnitz rule, Rodriguez formula, generating functions for Legendre
               polynomial, orthogonal functions, orthogonalization and normalization
               of  Legendre  polynomials,  Legendre  series,  Associate  Legendre
               function,  Frobenius  method,  Bessel  equation,  second  solution  of
               Bessel equation, recurrence relationship, general differential equation

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