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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

                                                                   BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY
               The Institute of Biological Sciences (ISB) offers degrees in     PROGRAMME
               BSc  for  5  programmes  (132-134):  Biochemistry,
               Biotechnology,  Ecology  and  Biodiversity,  Environmental
               Management.  Microbiology  and  Molecular  Genetics,   Career Prospects
               Students are accepted into one of these programmes on   Upon graduation, graduates with BSc in Biotechnology can
               the following criteria: (1) merit; (2) capacity; (3) completion   occupy positions such as scientist, research officer, product
               of all pre-requisites for year 1 courses.        content strategist, marketing officer, business development
                                                                officer, QA/QC assistant, research assistant, QA executive
               RESEARCH AREAS                                   in pharmaceutical industry, research associate officer and
                                                                operation  executive  in  Government  Agencies,  Private
               Researchers  in  ISB  carry  out  research  in  many  different   Agencies  (Local  /  Multinational),  Non-Governmental
               areas.   Examples   include   biodiversity   and   plant   Organisations (NGO) and International Bodies.
               conservation,  plant  and  environmental  ecology,  genetics
               (human  and  biochemical),  plant  and  animal  breeding,
               cytogenetics, immunology, biohealth sciences, bioassays,   SIO 1001   BASIC PHYSICS
               cancer studies, genetic engineering and recombinant DNA
               technology,  animal  and  plant  virology,  bacteriology,   Introduction to physical concepts present in Biosciences.
               microbiology  (industrial,  food,  medical,  environmental),   Physical principles that are used to understand the
               animal  biotechnology,  neurobiology,  biosystematics,   biological systems.
               applied entomology, pest control, fresh and marine water
               management, applied toxicology.                  Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   60%
                                                                Final Examination:      40%
               JOB OPPORTUNITIES
               Our  BSc  graduates  are  employed  in  the  education,   SIO 1002    FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES
               business,  management,  administration  sectors.  Some      IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
               choose to further their studies either locally or abroad, and
               may  one  day  return  to  ISB  to  become  academicians  or   Introduction to the basic techniques that are used in the
               researchers.  Others  are  gainfully  employed  in  local  or   field of biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiology.
               overseas research institutes.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               COURSE SYNOPSES                                  Continuous Assessment:   100%

               LEVEL 1 COURSES
                                                                SIO 1003   BIOINFORMATICS CONCEPTS
                                                                This course aims to introduce the fundamental concepts in
               This  course  examines  the  interaction  between  science,   bioinformatic  such  as  genome  sequencing,  pairwise  and
               technology  and  society  from  various  perspectives.  It   multiple molecular sequence alignment, database similarity
               provides  discussion  on  the  impacts  of  science  and   search,   molecular   phylogenetic   and   structural
               technology (S&T) progress on society, and vice versa. The   bioinformatics.  It  also  covers  the  utilization  of  internet
               discussions  comprise  the  various  main  aspects  of  S&T   biological  databases  to  extract  and  analyse  genomic,
                                                                proteomic  and  protein structural data.  The  importance  of
               Studies,  namely  scientific  research  and  development,   ontology in bioinformatics will also be emphasized. Various
               sustainable  development,  ethics  and  values,  history  and
               philosophy,  economics,  policy  and  management.  Such   bioinformatics  problems  and  issues  will  be  discussed  on
               combination  encourages  communication  of  diverse   bioinformatics data analysis and applications.
               diciplines and students will better appreciate the complex   Assessment Methods:
               ways  in  which  science,  technology  and  society  interact.
               Based on this understanding, students will debate on the   Continuous Assessment:    60%
               status, issues and challenges of selected S&T activities in   Final Examination:    40%
               the local context.
               Assessment Methods:                              SIO 1004    INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER
               Continuous Assessment:   60%                               PROGRAMMING IN BIOINFORMATICS
               Final Examination:      40%
                                                                This  course  provides  an  introduction  to  computer
                                                                programming with an emphasis on bioinformatics data. In
                                                                this course, students will learn the fundamental aspects of
               SIX 1016    STATISTICS
                                                                computer programming including analysis, design, coding
               Introduction  to  statistics;  Experimental  and  observational   using  the  C++  programming  language  and  testing.  This
               studies;  Display  and  organisation  of  data;  Descriptive   course  will  address  the  topics  such  as  flow  chart,  data
               statistics;  Population  and  samples;  Sampling  methods;   structures,  data  types, variables,  Boolean  logic,  control
                                                                flows and functions. By the end of the course, students will
               Basic  probability  theory;  Useful  probability  distributions:
               binomial,  Poisson  and  normal;  Sampling  distributions;   be able to write and develop computer programs for solving
               Central  Limit  Theorem;  Point  estimation  and  confidence   common  bioinformatics  tasks  using  a  procedural
               interval; Hypothesis testing for mean and proportion in one   programming style.
               and  two  populations;  Chi-square  tests;  Simple  linear
               regression and correlation analysis.             Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   60%
               Assessment Methods:                              Final Examination:    40%
               Continuous Assessment:   100%

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