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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIO 2001    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY                 including  techniques  to  enhance  speaker  presentations.
                                                                Topics  will  include  cultural  conventions  and  speech,
               This course covers the topics including role and application   perceptions of others, verbal and nonverbal messages, and
               of  industrial  importance  microorganisms  in  medicine,   techniques of oral presentation and persuasion. Students
               industry, agriculture, waste management and environment.   will  learn  how  to  research,  outline,  and  deliver  short,
                                                                informal  presentations  and  also  sharpen  their  skills  in
               Assessment Methods:                              critical thinking and listening.
               Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:    50%                        Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   100%
               SIO 2002    ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY
                                                                SIO 2015    PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY
               This  course  covers  the  principles,  techniques  and
               applications  of  animal  biotechnology,  including  assisted   This  course  introduces  the  fundamental  concepts  and
               reproductive   technologies,   breeding,   and   genetic   principles of plant biotechnology that are applicable to crop
               engineering.  This  course  also  discusses  the  ethics  and   improvement.  It  covers  an  array  of  topics  such  as  gene
               safety of animal biotechnology as well as implications on   expression and advanced methods in plant biotechnology.
               sustainability and animal welfare.               Students will be given a group assignment focusing on a
                                                                specific case related to plant biotechnology, which requires
               Assessment Methods:                              literature searches and understanding of recent advances
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     in plant biotechnology.
               Final Examination:    60%
                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   50%
               SIO 2003    HIGHER PLANT PHYSIOLOGY              Final Examination:      50%
               This course covers explaination on how plants function and
               grow.   This   includes   metabolism   (photosynthesis,   SIO 2016    PLANT CELL AND TISSUE CULTURE
               respiration,  mineral  nutrition),  water  relations,  gas   This  course  covers  explanation  on  how  to  regenerate
               exchange, response to environmental stresses, growth and   complete plants from various plant cells, tissues and organs
               development in response to environmental cues and   using tissue culture system. Various topics such as media
               biochemical control of growth.                   preparation and factors affecting cell’s, tissue’s and organ’s
                                                                growth   and   ultimately   plant   regeneration   are
               Assessment Methods:                              covered.  Other than that, production of disease-free plants
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     through meristem culture, various culture pathways such as
               Final Examination:    60%                        organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis, production of
                                                                haploid and triploid plants as well as in vitro production of
                                                                secondary  plant  metabolites  are  also  discussed  in  this
               SIO 2012    BIOINFORMATICS DATA MANAGEMENT       course.
               This course provides an introduction to data management   Assessment Methods:
               with an emphasis on biological data. In this course students   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               will  learn  all  of  the  fundamental  aspects  of  data   Final Examination:   60%
               management  including  acquisition,  modelling,  storage,
               integration, analysis and interpretation of diverse data types
               including structured and unstructured data that necessary   SIO 2017    SCIENTIFIC WRITING
               for managing biological data using software. By the end of
               the course students will be able to practice a systematic and   This course will teach students to become more effective
               efficient methodology in managing biological data.  writers,  using  practical  examples  and  exercises.  Topics
                                                                include: principles of good writing, the format of a scientific
               Assessment Methods:                              manuscript, and issues in publication and peer review. It will
               Continuous Assessment:   60%                     also  introduce  students  to  basic  research  writing  skills
               Final Examination:   40%                         including aspects of a high-impact manuscript or proposal,
                                                                how to write clearly, editing and the submission process.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               The course  is  designed for  instruction  in  basic  principles   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               involved in bioprocess design and associated technology.
               Among the topics included are introduction to engineering
               calculation,  analysis  and  presentation  of  data,  mass  and   SIO 3016    BIOLOGICAL DATA ANALYTICS
               energy balances, fluid flow, mixing, heat and mass transfer,
               and unit operations.                             This course provides a practical introduction to the writing
                                                                of  R  and  Python  programs  for  beginners.  Students  are
               Assessment Methods:                              introduced to the statistical analysis using R and are lead
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     through the core aspects of Python illustrated by a series of
               Final Examination:      60%                      example programs for solving bioinformatics problems. An
                                                                introduction  to  machine  learning  is  also  included.  Upon
                                                                completion  of  the  course,  students  will  be  able  to  write
               SIO 2014    PUBLIC SPEAKING AND  ORAL            simple  R  and  Python  programs  and  customize  more
                        COMMUNICATION                           complex  code  to  fit  the  needs  of  bioinformatics  problem
                                                                solving. At the end, students will be able to create stand
               This  course  is  an  introduction  to  speech  communication   alone Python programs to process biological data.
               which  emphasizes  the  practical  skill  of  public  speaking,

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