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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Final Examination:    50%                        SIJ 2006 PROTEIN BIOCHEMISTRY

                                                                Levels  of  protein  structures  -  Primary  structure,  its
               SIJ 1004  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL          importance  and  its  determination;  Secondary  structures
                      BIOLOGY                                   and their prediction; Super- secondary structures; Tertiary
                                                                structure and forces involved in its stabilization; Quaternary
               This  course  will  introduce  the  basic  concepts  of   structure;  Protein  folding  and  denaturation;  Protein
               computational biology.  Student will be expose to the Linux   engineering; Protein purification and characterization.
               operating  system,  Python  and   R  programming  for
               biological data analysis. Students will also  be introduced to   Assessment Methods:
               biological  data  mining  based  on  the  public  biological   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               databases.                                       Final Examination:     60%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   60%                     SIJ 2007 ENZYMES: MECHANISM AND CONTROL
               Final Examination:      40%
                                                                Introduction   to   enzymes,   Activation   energy   and
                                                                biocatalysts, Terminology used, Enzyme kinetics (Effect of
               SIJ 1005 PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES    enzyme  concentration,  substrate  concentration,  pH  &
                                                                temperature),   Enzyme   inhibitions   (Competitive,
               This  course  is  meant  to  introduce  basic  laboratory   Noncompetitive,  Uncompetitive  &  Irreversible),  Enzyme
               techniques that being use in most biochemical laboratories.   regulation  (Zymogen  activation,  Covalent  modification,
               It is also providing insights to the availability of variety of   Physiological  control  &  Allosteric  regulation),  Active  site
               methods  adapted  in  analyzing  biomolecules.  It  also   mapping  &  intermediate  detection,  Enzyme  mechanisms
               intended to introduce student to a better data management   with  special  reference  to  lysozyme  &  chymotrypsin;
               and able to critically evaluate and summarise.   Catalytic antibodies, Ribozymes.
               Assessment Methods:                              Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     Continuous Assessment :   40%
               Final Examination:      60%                      Final Examination :     60%

                                                                This  course  is  to  introduce  to  students  fundamental
               This  course  will  discuss  the  structure,  formation,  the   techniques used in Biochemistry to analyse biomolecules
               chemical   properties   and   functions   of   important   especially proteins and nucleic acids. This is inclusive of
               macromolecules  in  life  including  simple  and  complex   appreciation of basic instrumentations useful for performing
               carbohydrates,  fatty  acids  and  lipids,  amino  acids  and   biochemical fractionation, assays and separation. Students
               peptides, nucleotides and nucleic acid. This course will also   will also be exposed to ways to communicate scientifically
               discuss the properties of enzyme and its activity, enzyme   using writing, verbal and graphical methods.
               inhibition as well as regulation of enzyme activity.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:                              Continuous Assessment:   100%
               Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Final Examination:      60%
                                                                SIJ 2009 BIOCHEMISTRY PRACTICAL II

               SIJ 2004 METABOLISM AND REGULATION OF AMINO      This  course  will  further  expore  techniques  and  research
                      ACIDS AND NUCLEOTIDES                     methodology  in  biochemistry.  The  practicals  will  cover
                                                                techniques/ methods in HPLC, DNA quatification, serology,
               The objectives and content of the course are designed to   lipid  chemistry  and  many  others.  This  course  will  also
               provide  students  with  a  comprehensive  understanding  of   strengthen report writing and laboratory skills.
               the  metabolic  pathways  involving  the  amino  acids  and
               nucleotides;  and  the  manner  by  which  metabolism  is   Assessment Methods:
               regulated. This course stresses both the normal metabolic   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               function, and why disease states occur if normal metabolic
               processes are disrupted.
                                                                SIJ 2012 NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     This subject develops on the understanding of biochemistry
               Final Examination:     50%                       and explores the biochemical activity of nutrients and food
                                                                constituents in the human body. Students will appreciate
                                                                the importance of food groups and healthy eating, and the
               SIJ 2005 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY                       influence of dietary modification and nutritional intervention
                                                                on  physiology  and  physiological  dysfunction.  Integral
               This course explores in detail the theories of transcription,   biochemical  pathways  are  explored  in  relation  to  the
               translation  and  the  regulation  involved.  This  course  also   nutritional  influences  that  moderate  those  pathways.
               looks at gene regulation both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.   Students will further develop their understanding of the role
               Students will also be introduced to mutation, recombination   that  biological  oxidation  and  the  metabolic  regulation  of
               and transposition.                               carbohydrate,  protein  and  fat  play  in  disease  processes.
                                                                These will necessitate prior student understanding of the
               Assessment Methods:                              influence of nutritional biochemistry in  liver detoxification,
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     neurotransmitter  synthesis,  antioxidant  pathways  and
               Final Examination:     50%                       immune  function.  Taken  together  this  subject  deepens

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