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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
macromolecules, and regulatory mechanisms involved in SIJ 3005 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR
intermediary metabolism. IMMUNOLOGY
The course encompasses the following topics: (1) Concept
of energy in metabolism and energy production by aerobic This course introduces the importance of immune system,
and anaerobic respiration, and fermentation; (2) components of the immune system, different categories of
Biosynthesis and catabolism of primary macromolecules immune responses and their general properties. For
(carbohydrate, lipid); (3) Regulation and integration of adaptive immune response, in depth explanation will be
metabolic processes. given on the development of the lymphocytes, the receptor
gene rearrangement, the selection process and the
Assessment Methods: activation mechanisms of the lymphocytes. The role of
Continuous Assessment: 50% MHC molecules in antigen presentation will also be
Final Examination: 50% covered. This will be followed by the effector functions of
the activated lymphocytes, integrated with the innate
immune responses, which also includes the mechanisms of
SIJ 2022 SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH inflammation, phagocytosis and complement. Application of
COMMUNICATION immunological techniques will also be covered. Short
presentation will be done by the student on the topics of
This course is intended to equip students with effective immune reactions against selected diseases.
communication skills and sharpen their critical thinking
skills. The course content will include effective Assessment Methods:
communication techniques. Students will also be exposed Continuous Assessment: 50%
to techniques of critical thinking and lateral thinking. Final Examination: 50%
Effective scientific writing and reading will also be
Assessment Methods: SIGNALLING
Continuous Assessment: 100%
This course discusses the organization and structure of
membranes, their functions and importance to cells.
SIJ 3001 RESEARCH PROJECT IN BIOCHEMISTRY Students will be exposed to the types and roles of
membrane proteins and then the cell transportation
This course is intended to introduce practical aspects of the mechanisms on the membrane. The components and
principles of Biochemistry. Students will be exposed to mechanisms of signal transduction, its function and
research methodology in Biochemistry, critical scientific importance will also be discussed. Then, the students will
thinking, methods for problem solving, research ethics, associates between malfunction of signal transduction with
record keeping, presentation and scientific writing skills. diseases.
Students are required to carry out experiments in the
laboratory, analyse data, write a thesis and present the Assessment Methods:
results of the research. Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
SIJ 3003 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY In the first half of the course, students will be thought
techniques used in the manipulation of DNA and the basics
This course starts with molecular biology of plant organelles of recombinant DNA technology. Topics covered would
with emphasis on unique plant genomes, genes and gene include recombinant technologies, the use of recombinant
expression. Topics on plant development processes will technologies in gene manipulation and the basic principles
also be discussed which include photosynthesis, of the methods used. In the second half of the course, the
senescence as well as plant defence. Gene transfer and use of these approaches in scientific research will be
genetic engineering in plants will also be discussed with explored.
emphasis on both the technology as well as the issues
surrounding genetically engineered plants. Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Assessment Methods: Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
PHYSIOLOGY Competitive business and entrepreneurship environments
are increasingly prioritising professionals trained in Design
This course will discuss the basic mechanisms of diseases, Thinking and innovation. The word ‘design’ has been
alterations of the biochemical aspects and symptoms that traditionally associated with visual aesthetics of objects but
are shown due to diseases in relation to metabolic increasingly since the last decades, the definition of design
disorders or changes in the body’s physiological systems. has expanded to include experiences, innovative services
Clinical and diagnostic tests, suitable treatment and and systems.
prevention methods will also be discussed using a specific As the challenges and opportunities facing businesses and
disease as example. societies grow more complex with increasingly diverse
Assessment Methods: stakeholders, Design Thinking is playing a greater role in
Continuous Assessment: 40% finding meaningful paths forward. Design Thinking is an
Final Examination: 60% action-oriented problem-solving methodology that employs
various design-based techniques to gain insight and yield
creative solutions for complex challenges. Methodologies