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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
are drawn from engineering and design, and combines SIJ 3017 GLYCOBIOLOGY
them with ideas from the arts, tools from the social sciences
as well as insights from the business world. At the heart of The first part of this course is the deliberation of glycan
this approach is a deep sensitivity to the needs structures and the linkages between monosaccharides
of community. This course aims to offer an immersive units until the formation of functional glycans. Topics on
experience in Design Thinking as a tool for innovative idea glycan-binding proteins/lectins will also be coverd since
and strategy development in Knowledge Transfer these proteins is closely associate with the biological roles
processes. of glycans. Abnormality of glycan structure will hinder the
In this course, students will be encouraged to work with interaction and consequently leads to disease formation.
local businesses and develop continuing relationships with Lastly, students will be given samples of data for them to
local community members, effectively contributing to the carry out glycomic analysis by using ChemSketch and
Quadruple Helix model of university functions in society. online glycan database search engine.
Assessment Methods: Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100% Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
This course will introduce students to post-genomic era This course describes the application of computational
technologies and how they are used in scientific research. tools to analyze biological problems. Students will be
The course will focus on three main platforms – exposed to the analysis of big data including enzyme
transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics. Students kinetics simulation using COPASI, transcriptomics analysis
will be exposed to bioinformatics tools to allow them to (microarray and RNA-seq using R and Linux), genomics
understand, analyse, integrate and correlate data from the analysis (genotyping microarray using R and Linux),
three platforms. The use of these technologies in studying biomolecular modelling (using FORTRAN) and metabolic
biological systems will also be explored. A brief introduction network analysis (using R). At the end of the course,
to other post-genomic technologies (e.g. lipidomics, students will be able to use programming tools and
glycomics, etc) will also be included. Throughout the analytical approach to analyze various omics data.
course, students will also be introduced to Bioinformatics in
data analysis and management. Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 60%
Assessment Methods: Final Examination: 40%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
SIJ 3013 NATURAL PRODUCT BIOCHEMISTRY AND This industrial training module will provide students with
DRUG DISCOVERY real life working experience and hands-on practical skills
related to biochemistry. Students will undergo 16 weeks of
This course is designed to provide an overview to the field industrial training in the final semester.
of natural product and drug discovery. This course covers
the different types of natural product and their usages, Assessment Methods:
positive/negative effects of its usage, important classes of Continuous Assessment: 100%
chemical compounds, mechanism of reaction, methods and
suitable experimental techniques that can be applied to
isolate and identify bioactive/lead compound. Drug SIJ 3020 FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOCHEMICAL
discovery component will emphasis on how to bring a drug PHARMACOLOGY
from concept to market, introduction to drug approval
process, clinical trials, drug safety guidelines, and ethical This course will examine the molecular basis of drug action
issues. Research and development that will lead to the and how cutting edge technology contribute to the
invention of potentially commercial product will also be advancement of pharmacological knowledge and increase
discussed using selected examples. understanding of mechanisms of drug action. The following
areas will be studied in detail; variability in drug action, drug
Assessment Methods: structure-activity relationships, receptor-ligand interactions,
Continuous Assessment: 40% signal transduction, biochemical and molecular aspects of
Final Examination: 60% G-protein coupled receptors and their signalling
SIJ 3016 BIOCHEMISTRY OF CANCER Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
This course will cover the origins of cancer and the genetic Final Examination: 60%
and cellular basis for cancer. It will examine the factors that
have been implicated in triggering cancers; the intercellular
interactions involved in cancer proliferation; current SIJ 3021 STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY TECHNIQUES
treatments for cancer and how these are designed; and
future research and treatment directions for cancer therapy. The course will introduce to students the structure of
proteins at all levels, and how this relates to function. A non-
Assessment Methods: mathematical introduction of the basic principle of X-ray
Continuous Assessment: 50% crystallography and other techniques used in structural
Final Examination: 50% studies. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is the second
most important technique for determining the three-
dimensional structure of macromolecules. Electron
Microscopy (EM) is a technique that is complementary to X-