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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIE 3019   NATURE AND SOCIETY                    research and research budget, needs to be submitted to the
                                                                supervisor  within  a  month.    Research  work  and  thesis
               This  course  exposes  students  to  community  service  and   writing are carried out in Semester I and semester II. The
               volunteerism.  Students  need  to  plan  and  implement  a   completed thesis must be submitted at the end of semester
               community program in groups. Students are also required   I  and  semester  II  for  examination  by  the  supervisor.  A
               to produce a reflection journal to record self-transformation   presentation of the research work in the form of seminar or
               before, during and after the community program as well as   poster is needed before the thesis submission.
               group reports and presentations based on experiences with
               the local communities.                           Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   100%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   100%
                                                                SIE 3024   INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FOR ECOLOGY AND
                                                                The content of this training depends on where the student
               Introduction and overview of local and global fisheries and   is placed and usually involves field work and on  the job
               aquaculture. Basis of fisheries . Linkage between fisheries   training related to issues of biology and diversity.
               production and primary productivity. Single species versus
               multi  species  stock  assessment  .  Estimation  of  key  fish   Assessment Methods:
               stock   parameters.   Ecosystem   based   fisheries   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               management.  Sustainable  practices  and  future  areas  of
               research.  Socio-economics  and management  of  fisheries
               and aquaculture. Latest issues in fisheries      SIE 3025   BIODIVERSITY GOVERNANCE AND
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   60%                     Topics on biodiversity governance will discuss policy and
               Final Examination:      40%                      legislation,  international  treaties,  laws  and  species
                                                                protection  covering  biodiversity  and  its  importance.  In
                                                                addition, the course will also discuss the threats to diversity;
               SIE 3021   ECOTOURISM                            the  causes  of  the  decline  in  biological  diversity.  The
                                                                description  of  global  initiatives  for  species  /  habitat  /
               This  course  provides  a  theoretical  and  applied   landscape  protection  will  be  explained  based  on  CITES,
               understanding  of  ecotourism  within  Malaysia  and   RAMSAR,  UNESCO  WHS  and  CBD.  Details  on  the
               internationally  and  important  examples  of  sustainable   National Biodiversity Policy, Protected Areas, Forestry and
               tourism  practices  in  natural  settings.  Topics  that  will  be   Wildlife Act will be covered in this topic. The implementation
               discussed  in  this  course  including  the  best  practice  in   of local CITES and other international agreements will also
               ecotourism,  ecotourism  management  policies  and   be  emphasized.  Whereas  on  the  topic  of  conservation,
               ecotourism  strategies  which  are  culturally  sensitive  and   identity,  values  and  ethics  will  be  discussed  in  depth
               economically, environmentally and socially sustainable.   including  information  on  introduced  species,  species
                                                                invaders and species migration.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Assessment Methods:
               Final Examination:      50%                      Continuous Assessment:   60%
                                                                Final Examination:      40%

               This  course  aims  to  introduce  the  concepts  in  image   BACHELOR OF SCIENCE  IN ENVIRONMENTAL
               processing and analysis, specifically on biological images.   MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME
               It  covers  the  introduction  of  the  digital  image
               representation, processing and analysis. Various problems   Career Prospects
               related  to  biological  images  are  considered  to  be  solved   Graduates  of  this  Programme  can  work  either  in  the
               using programming language such as R and C++, as well   government or private sectors as environmental managers
               as  image  processing  and  analysis  software  such  as   or consultants, academicians, scientists and researchers,
               MorphoJ, ImageJ and Adobe Photoshop.             health  and  safety  officers,  sustainable  city  planners,  and
                                                                environmental auditors and law enforcers. They can also
               Assessment Methods:                              work  with  the  non-governmental  organisations  as
               Continuous Assessment:   60%                     environmental activists.
               Final Examination:      40%
                                                                SIH1004   ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY
               SIE 3023   RESEARCH PROJECT FOR ECOLOGY AND      Environmental  science  explores  the  interaction  and
                         BIODIVERSITY                           relationships  between  humans  and  the  environment.
                                                                Students will be introduced to concepts that are relevant to
               The  student  chooses  a  research  title  and  carries  it  out   environmental management such as ecosystems, biomes,
               according  to  the  supervision  of  his/her  supervisor.    A   the  human  population,  renewable  and  non-renewable
               research  proposal  detailing  literature  review,  objectives,   resources, energy, pollution and environmental issues. This
               methodology  and  research  design,  schedule  table  of   course will also address the challenge of balancing short-

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