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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
Public sector: regulation of enxyme activity; Biological Metabolism
Research Officer (Q41) in various ministries/ departments; Fundamentals, catabolism and anabolism of
Science Officer (C41) in various ministries/ departments; macromolecules in cell.
Adminitrative Officer (N41) in various ministries/
departments; Assessment Methods:
Training Officer (E41) in various ministries/ departments; Continuous Assessment: 50%
Quality controller in various ministries/ Department of Final Examination: 50%
Environment / Department of Agriculture;
Postgraduates in Public Institutions of Higher Learning;
Graduate school teachers in government schools. SIR1004 CONCEPTS OF GENETIC ENGINEERING
This course emphasise on the isolation of DNA and RNA,
Private sector: vector for gene cloning; various techniques on the
Researchers in public or private institutions; Laboratory transformation of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells,
officers in public or private hospitals or diagnostic/ identification of transformants, PCR technique, Southern
pathology/ forensic laboratories; Researchers in & Northern hybridisations, Sanger sequencing, NGS,
biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries; Marketing mutagenesis, genome editing techniques.
executives in companies retailing reagents, scientific
equipments, and medical equipments; Quality controller in Assessment Methods:
food production industries or restaurants; Postgraduates in Continuous Assessment: 50%
Private Institutions of Higher Learning; Writer / Researcher Final Examination: 50%
in the media industry; Graduate school teachers in private
schools/ colleges.
Core Courses PRACTICAL I
SIR1001 FUNDAMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY The practical classes emphasize on learning laboratory
approaches to both classical Mendelian Genetics and
Introduction to concepts and basic techniques of Genetic engineering problems requiring hands-on bench-
microbiology, evolution, structure and function of work and biological data analysis. The introductory lecture
prokaryotic, dissemination, control and identification of prior to the wet lab covers the theory behind the experiment
microorganisms. Exposure to aseptic laboratory techniques and some of the techniques. This practical module focuses
for the transfer, isolation and stain of microorganisms. on the prokaryotic system. Techniques will include crossing
(testcross, backcross), plasmid extraction, restriction
Assessment Methods: enzyme digestion, ligation, agarose gel electrophoresis and
Continuous Assessment: 50% transformation
Final Examination: 50%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
This is a fundamental course covering the following topics SIR2011 BACTERIOLOGY
of Gametogenesis; Mendelian Principles; Complete,
incomplete, and co-dominance; Multiple alleles; Pedigree Introduction to identification and classification of main
analysis; Chi-square test; Probability and Statistics Bacteria and Archaea. Role and impact of bacteria and
(Binomial expansion and factorial); Gene Interactions; Archaea in daily life.
Epistatic ratios; Sex determination; Sex linkage; Linkage
map (2-point cross; 3-point cross); From genotypes to
phenotypes; Introduction of Human Genetics; Counselling; Assessment Methods:
Population genetics and Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium; Continuous Assessment: 50%
Historical account of Molecular Genetics: Direct and Final Examination: 50%
indirect evidence of DNA as genetic materials; Chemical
composition of nucleic acids; Structure; properties of DNA;
DNA replication in prokaryotes, polymerase activity; SIR2012 IMMUNOLOGY
Transcription: promoter function and specificity, termination
of transcription; Translation, ribosome and tRNA specificity. This course introduces the importance of the immune
Amino acid charging. Deciphering the genetic code; system, components of the immune system, different
Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes: lac operon; categories of immune responses and their general
catabolite repression; trp operon and attenuation; Control properties. For adaptive immune response, in depth
by sigma factor, anti-termination; Molecular basis of explanation will be given on the development of the
mutations and DNA repair; Spontaneous and inducible; lymphocytes, the receptor gene rearrangement, the
Introduction to DNA Recombinant Technology. selection process and the activation mechanisms of the
lymphocytes. The role of MHC molecules in antigen
Assessment Methods: presentation will also be covered. This will be followed by
Continuous Assessment: 50% the effector functions of the activated lymphocytes,
Final Examination: 50% integrated with the innate immune responses, which also
includes the mechanisms of inflammation, phagocytosis
and complement.
Assessment Methods:
This course encompasses structure and physical Continuous Assessment: 50%
characteristic of water, acid and base, pH and pK; Final Examination: 50%
classification, structure and function of carbohydrates,
lipids, amino acids and proteins; nucleic acids and
molecular biology; characteristic of enzyme and the