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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               term  human  needs  with  the  long-term  health  of  Assessment Methods:
               environmental  systems,  and  how  to  move  towards  a  Continuous Assessment:  60%
               sustainable future. Sustainable Development Goals will be  Final Examination:  40%
               Assessment Methods:                              SIH2007   PRINCIPLES OF  WASTE MANAGEMENT
               Continuous Assessment:  50%
               Final Examination:    50%                        Introduction  to  types  and  sources  of  integrated  waste
                                                                management.  Management  of  waste  through  its  quantity
                                                                and  quality.  Modern  and  conservative  techniques  in
               SIH1005   ANALYTICAL ENVIRONMENTAL               integrated  waste  management.  Organisation  in  waste
               CHEMISTRY                                        management.  Waste  hierarchy.  Recycling  activities  and
                                                                laws and regulations of the solid waste management.
               The  course  is  designed  to  introduce  students  the
               knowledge  of  analytical  environmental  chemistry  and  Assessment Methods:
               principles   of   instrumental   analysis   relevant   to  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               environmental  monitoring.  Topics  within  general  organic  Final Examination:  60%
               and  inorganic  chemistry,  calculations,  calibration  and
               method validation will give students insight in the analytical
               process from raw sample to final result. Sample storage,  SIH2008   ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY
               sample  preparation  and  quality  assurance  will  be
               discussed.                                       This module will introduce students to the concept of health
                                                                and safety for occupational and environment. It will include
               Assessment Methods:                              the regulatory framework to identify, evaluate and control
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     the risk at work. Basic method for investigation of accidents
                                                                will also be covered.
               SIE1002   BIOETHICS AND SAFETY
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               To make aware on the importance of ethics and safety that  Continuous Assessment:  50%
               arises  within  the  scientific  profession  and  scientific  Final Examination:  50%
               research, especially the Life Science. A special focus on
               bioethics and biosafety. Real cases of scientific bioethical
               misconduct,  as  well  as  the  relevant  principles  and  SIH 2014   ENVIRONMENTAL FORENSICS
               standards of ethics in life sciences will be discussed.
               The importance of lab safety and accreditation will also be  Environmental  pollution  had  caused  many  environmental
               explored.                                        effect.  This  involves  the  quality  and  biodiversity  of  the
                                                                environment. Therefroe, this course will expose students in
               Assessment Methods:                              investigation  of  environemntal  evidence  do  identify  the
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     causes of any pollution episode.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               SIE2012   AQUATIC ECOLOGY                        Continuous Assessment:  50%
                                                                Final Examination:    50%
               Introduction  to  physical  and  chemical  aspects  of  aquatic
               systems, and their importance to organisms. A review of
               marine  and  freshwater  organisms  with  a  focus  on  their  SIH2015   SOIL SCIENCE AND COMMUNITY
               ecological role. The basic principles of aquatic ecology are
               discussed at the community and ecosystem level, followed  This  course  is  designed  to  introduce  students  to  the
               by major marine and freshwater ecosystem studies. Types  fundamentals of soil science which are soil formation, soil
               and  exploitation  of  aquatic  resources.  Human  impact  on  properties  (physical,  chemical  and  biological),  soil
               aquatic ecosystems.                              description  and  soil  classification  and  suitability  for  land
                                                                use. This course exposes students on the implementation
               Assessment Methods:                              of sustainable soil management. This course emphasizes
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      on the techniques to restore degraded soils and improve
               Final Examination:    60%                        soil health. Case studies of soil health are also conducted
                                                                with the community.
               SIE3025   BIODIVERSITY GOVERNANCE AND            Assessment Methods:
                        CONSERVATION                            Continuous Assessment:  60%
                                                                Final Examination:    40%
               Topics on biodiversity governance will discuss policy and
               legislation,  international  treaties,  laws  and  species
               protection  covering  biodiversity  and  its  importance.  In  SIH2016   ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING
               addition, the course will also discuss the threats to diversity;
               the  causes  of  the  decline  in  biological  diversity.  The  This course emphasizes the monitoring of both aquatic and
               description  of  global  initiatives  for  species  /  habitat  /  terrestrial  ecosystems  using  three  approaches  of
               landscape  protection  will  be  explained  based  on  CITES,  environmental  monitoring  techniques  i.e.,  physical,
               RAMSAR,  UNESCO  WHS  and  CBD.  Details  on  the  chemical,  and  biological  monitoring.  Environmental
               National Biodiversity Policy, Protected Areas, Forestry and  sampling and data analysis techniques will also be taught.
               Wildlife Act will be covered in this topic. The implementation
               of local CITES and other international agreements will also  Assessment Methods:
               be  emphasized.  Whereas  on  the  topic  of  conservation,  Continuous Assessment:  50%
               identity,  values  and  ethics  will  be  discussed  in  depth  Final Examination:  50%
               including  information  on  introduced  species,  species
               invaders and species migration.

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