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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               marine  and  freshwater  organisms  with  a  focus  on  their   Final Examination:   60%
               ecological role. The basic principles of aquatic ecology are
               discussed at the community and ecosystem level, followed
               by major marine and freshwater ecosystem studies. Types   SIE 3004   QUANTITATIVE ECOLOGY
               and  exploitation  of  aquatic  resources.  Human  impact  on
               aquatic ecosystems.                              Principles of ecological sampling and data collection.
                                                                Experimental and sampling designs, sample size, sampling
               Assessment Methods:                              layout,  etc.  Biotic sampling methods. Population analysis
               Continuous Assessments:   60%                    such as age structure, survivorship, life tables and growth.
               Final Examination:      40%                      Methods  for  population  analysis,  including  capture-
                                                                recapture  methods.  Community  analyses  including
                                                                measurements  of  diversity,  similarity  and  distance,  and
               SIE 2014   PROTOZOA AND INVERTEBRATES I          cluster  analysis.    Multivariate  methods  and  ordination
                                                                techniques such as principal components analysis.
               Introduction  to  protozoa  and  invertebrate:  classification,
               diversity, ecology and evolution will be explained in general.   Assessment Methods:
               Groups  of  invertebrate  being  discussed  are  Protozoa,   Continuous Assessment:   60%
               Porifera,  Cnidaria,  Ctenophora  and  Lophotrochozoa.  The   Final Examination:     40%
               biology, diversity, ecology, structure, function, importance
               etc.  for  each  group  of  these  animal  will  be  discussed  in
               details.                                         SIE 3005   BEHAVIOURAL ECOLOGY AND ETHOLOGY
               Assessment Methods:                              Behavioural   concepts,   historical   perspectives   of
               Continuous Assessments:   50%                    behavioural studies, behavioural diversity inclusive of social
               Final Examination:      50%                      habits  and  ecoethology  illustrating  the  functional  aspects
                                                                and  adaptibility  of  various  groups  of  animal  examples,
                                                                aspects of applied ethology.
               SIE 2015   INVERTEBRATE II
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Introduction  and  detail  discussion  on  Nematoda.   Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Introduction  to  Arthropoda  –biology,  diversity,  ecology,   Final examination:      50%
               structure  and  function,  etc.;  Detail  discussion  of  the
               arthropod group – Trilobitomorpha, Chelicerata, Crustacea,
               Myriapoda, Hexapoda. Introduction to Deuterostomia and   SIE 3006   ECONOMIC BOTANY
               Hemichordata  -  biology,  diversity,  ecology,  structure  and
               function, etc. Detail discussion of the deuterostome group   Introduction to the origin of agriculture and the history of
               – Echinodermata.                                 distribution  of  present-day  agricultural  crops.  The
                                                                importance  of  fungi,  algae  &  plants  as  sources  for  food,
               Assessment Methods:                              beverage,  medicine  and  others.  Plant-based  industries
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     such  as  producing  perfumes,  furniture  products,  spices,
               Final Examination:      50%                      cosmetics, landscaping plants and etc.

                                                                Assessment Methods:
               SIE 2016   PLANT PHYSIOLOGY                      Continuous Assessment:   60%
                                                                Final Examination :     40%
               This  course  begins  with  the  basic  concepts  in  plant
               physiology  of  cells,  energy  and  enzymes.  Next,
               mechanisms in water absorption, water transport, phloem
               translocation, photosynthesis in C3, C4 and CAM plants,   SIE 3007   ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF WEEDS
               transpiration  and the  role  of stomata  in  transpiration  and
               leaf  gaseous  exchange.  The  basic  morphology  and   Introduction  to  ecology  and  population  biology  of  weeds
               development  of  reproductive  organs  (flowers,  fruits  and   with  emphasis  on  weed-crop  plant  interaction.  Weed
               seeds),  diversity  of  shapes  and  adaptations  (including   science  in  the  contextof  integrated  weed  management.
               propagation  strategies)  been  relate  to  assimilate   Weed  management  in  agro-ecosystems  and  non-crop
               partitioning and plant adaptation.               environments. Introduction to herbicides. Herbicide usage,
                                                                actions in plants and soil, and effect to the environment.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessement:    50%                   Assessment Methods:
               Final examination:      50%                      Continuous Assessment:   60%
                                                                Final Examination:      40%
               SIE 2017   ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY
                                                                SIE 3009   PLANT PATHOLOGY
               Introduction  and  concept  of  physiology.  Understanding
               basic  animal  physiology  such  as  importance  of  oxygen,   Introduction to plant pathology and its importance. Concept
               food  and  energy,  temperature  adaptation,  water,   of plant diseases.  Plant diseases caused by abiotic factors
               reproduction and movement, information and integration.   and  non-infectious  diseases.   Interactions  between
                                                                pathogens  and  plant  hosts.   Koch  Postulate.   Plant
               Assessment Methods:                              diseases from infections by viruses, bacteria, mycoplasm-
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     like  organisms,  fungi,  algae  /  lichens,  higher  plants,

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