Page 102 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 102
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
This course is a continuation to the basic ecology courses This course introduces you to the key concepts, theories,
taught at lower level i.e., secondary school and issues, challenges and debates within climate change,
matriculation or equivalent. History, origin and definition of which is a multidisciplinary subject. Primary emphasis will
ecology will be discussed. Issues such as definitions and
problems in ecological study and its relationship with other be given to causes, impacts and possible solutions for
disciplines like climate change are brainstormed. Terrestrial climate change as well as insights from innovation studies
and marine ecological sampling techniques will be and policy development.
highlighted. In depth topics include biodiversity,
populations, community, ecosystem, conservation and Assessment Methods:
ecological restoration. Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is an environmental
SIH2018 RESEARCH METHODS AND SCIENTIFIC management that recognizes the cumulative interactions
WRITING within an ecosystem, i.e. biotic and abiotic factors including
humans and its socio economic dependency on ecosystem,
Part I. rather than considering single issues, species, or
Introduction to research basics and theory. Key features of ecosystem services in isolation. This course will cover
research such as research ethics, structuring the research application of EBM to terrestrial, coastal zone and marine
project, finding and reviewing the literature. Attention paid ecosystems. Students will be exposed to management
to data collection techniques and data analysis which techniques of forest ecosystems for timber production, as
focus on qualitative and quantitative data. well as coastal and marine resources like fisheries.
Problems like development and over exploitation will also
Part II. be discussed.
Main components and purposes of different forms of
scientific communication with an emphasis on scientific Assessment Methods:
articles and posters. Writing skills will include basic Continuous Assessment: 100%
elements of grammar, style and organization. The elements
of writing that are important to develop the clarity and
precision required for scientific communication will be SIH2023 ENERGY SAVING CULTURE
emphasized. Presentation skills will focus on clarity, logical
sequence and verbal expression. Focusing on the current local scenarios of energy sector
including the policies, programmes and international
Assessment Methods: involvements. The element of energy saving culture is
Continuous Assessment: 100% based on energy triangle approach and interrelated factors
in achieving efficient use of energy in building. The building
performance evaluation is based on two mechanisms which
SIH2019 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT AND are Post-occupancy Evaluation and energy audit.
Assessment Methods:
This course covers three main areas of environmental risk Continuous Assessment: 50%
assessments i.e., human health risk assessment, Final Examination: 50%
ecological risk assessment, and industrial risk assessment.
Emphasis is given on risk management versions and
Assessment Methods: This course covers principles and application of computer
Continuous Assessment: 50% and information technology in environmental management.
Final Examination: 50% Emphasis is the given to spatial data analysis and
development of application software for environmental
Assessment Methods:
In pursuing vast and rapid development in any countries, Continuous Assessment: 50%
one cannot avoid sacrificing its natural resources. Final Examination: 50%
Environmental problems and disasters could only give
negative impacts to livelihood and environment. Only those
who have awareness towards sustainable development SIH2025 RENEWABLE ENERGY TRANSITION AND
would have appropriate vision and mission in applying and SOCIETY
implementing ethics, policy and law to save the nature. It is
crucial to possess the right environmental ethics that lead This course addresses the science and engineering on
to appropriate governance via effective policies and law renewable energy with special emphasis on bioenergy.
enforcement. Environmental ethics, and governance (policy Renewable resources (“biomass” - plant matter, waste) can
and legislation) are crucial in all fields including be converted into fuels and chemicals using a variety of
biotechnology socio-economy, and environmental cutting-edge technologies. It covers new thoughts, new
protection. methods and new achievements that have emerged in
renewable energy field in recent years. Related information
Assessment Methods: with regards to optimized process design, process control,
Continuous Assessment: 40% pre-treatment of substrates for higher conversion rates,
Final Examination: 60% operational and energy efficiency, improvement of the