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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIR3019  HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS                growth and food spoilage. Microbiology of fermented food.
                                                                Characteristics of major foodborne pathogens. Methods in
               This  course  starts  by  looking  at  the  content  and   detecting microorganisms in food using conventional and
               organization of the human genome. It involves describing   molecular approaches.
               the  gene  related  sequences  (genes,  introns,  exons,
               regulatory regions, pseudogenes etc.)and non-gene related   Assessment Methods:
               sequences. The student is then introduced to the Human   Continuous Assessment:   60%
               Genome  Project  and  the  processes  involved.  It  includes   Final Examination:   40%
               physical and genetic mapping. The second part will focus
               on the methods of medical genetic research, with old and
               new techniques. This includes functional cloning, positional   SIR2041  POPULATION GENETICS
               cloning and candidate gene approaches. At the end of the
               course, students will be familiarised with current issues and   The course is a course that covers how population genetics
               research technology including SNP, microarray, proteomics   concepts (empiral, theoretical and experimental methods)
               and NGS technologies.                            which are based on mathematical models, can be applied
                                                                in  various  fields  of  study.  The  students  will  use  their
               Assessment Methods:                              knowledge, and learn to think logically and solve genetic
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     problems  in  a  systematic  manner.  The  introduction  of
               Final Examination:   60%                         coding in line with IR 4.0 with the use of R programming
                                                                and other analytical skills will be enhanced in this course.
                                                                Lastly the knowledge should be applied and communicated
               SIR4001  RESEARCH PROJECT                        to  address  problem  solving  in  the  community  such  as
                                                                conservation,  ecological,  medical  and  management  of
               This course is intended to introduce practical aspects of the   resources.
               principles  of  Microbiology/  Molecular  Genetics.  Students
               will be exposed to research methodology in Microbiology/   Assessment Methods:
               Molecular Genetics field, critical scientific thinking, methods   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               for  problem  solving,  research  ethics,  record  keeping,   Final Examination:   60%
               presentation  and  scientific  writing  skills.  Students  are
               required  to:  1)  write  a  project  proposal  and  carry  out
               literatura review; 2) carry out experiments in the laboratory;   SIR3020  PUBLIC HEALTH MICROBIOLOGY
               3) analyse data; 4) write a mini thesis; 5) present the results
               of the research orally.                          Science of epidemiology including methods in
                                                                epidemiological study. Disease transmission, types of
               Assessment Methods:                              reservoirs of infectious agents, emerging and re-emerging
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    infectious diseases, microbiology of water supply and
                                                                public health. Prevention and control of infectious
                                                                diseases especially foodborne infections. Concepts and
               SIR4002  INDUSTRIAL TRAINING                     applications of molecular epidemiology. Practical
                                                                component on laboratory skills.
               This  industrial  training  module  will  provide  students  with
               real on-the-job experience and hands on practical skills in   Assessment Methods:
               the fields of microbiology and genetics. Students are able   Continuous Assessment:   60%
               to put into practice the knowledge and skills gathered during   Final Examination:   40%
               degree  studies  in  a  professional  environment  during  the
               industrial  attachment.  Students  will  undergo  16  weeks  of
               industrial training in the final semester.       SIR3021  DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY

               Assessment Methods:                              In this course, students will consolidate their understanding
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    of  microorganisms  of  importance  in  human  health  and
                                                                disease in a series of lectures, laboratory sessions and lab
                                                                visit to develop skills on the detection and identification of
               SIR4003  SCIENCE COMMUNICATION                   infectious agents in the clinical laboratory. Topics include
                                                                the  preanalytical  collection  and  processing  of  clinical
               This module will cover how science is communicated to the   specimens as well as the analytical morphology, isolation,
               public  and  in  different  media,  with  regards  to  science-  and  identification  of  pathogens, with  a  focus  on colonial,
               related  issues  in  society.  Topics  on  the  roles  and   microscopic, biochemical and molecular characteristics and
               responsibilities  of  scientists  in  communicating  scientific   additionally  the  post-analytical  interrelationships  of
               research  and  science-related  issues  and  the  public   microorganisms  and  human  hosts  and  the  correlation,
               understanding  of  science;  and  how  science  is   prevention and control of infectious diseases. Bacteriology
               communicated on media will be covered. This module aims   is  emphasized  but  the  course  includes  a  survey  of
               to develop students’ communication and teamwork skills by   mycology,  parasitology,  and  virology.  This  course  will
               showcasing their skills in science communication through   provide the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in
               various activities.                              profesional practice in microbiology laboratories.
               Assessment Methods:                              Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                                                Final Examination:   50%

               Elective courses
                                                                SIR3022  ADVANCED IMMUNOLOGY
               SIR2031  FOOD MICROBIOLOGY
                                                                This  module  covers  topics  on  the  concepts  and
               Understanding  the  sources  of  microorganisms  in  food,   consequences of the failure mechanism and deficiency of
               intrinsic  and  extrinsic  parameters  that  affect  microbial   the  immune  system  in  providing  protection.  Topics  on

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