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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               environmental benefits as well as impacts on society will be   (EIA) in accordance to the guideline given by Department
               introduced.                                      of  Environment  (Malaysia).  Fundamental  practises  of
                                                                preparing the budget and report, including the assessment
               Assessment Methods:                              techniques  and  environmental  management  plan  (EMP)
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     are  the  main  components  for  this  course.  Universal
               Final Examination:      60%                      principles  and    techniques  which  are  practised  in  the
                                                                developed country are also included.

               SIH2026   WATER MANAGEMENT                       Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Students  will  engage  with  the  comprehension  of  policies   Final Examination:      50%
               and legal aspects especially for the technical requirement
               which is stated in Environmental Quality Act, Water Act and
               Water  Services  Industrial  Act.  Technical  design  for  the   SIH3006   ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
               planning  of  water  and  wastewater  management  for    SYSTEMS
               domestic and industrial requirements is also being included
               in this course.                                  This  course  prepare  students  to  the  development  of
                                                                environmental  management  system  (EMS)  which  follows
               Assessment Methods:                              ISO14000  template.  Students  shall  comprehend  by
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     undergoing the EMS documentation process for selected
               Final Examination:      60%                      organization, in which their core operational activities could
                                                                affect  the  environmental  component.  Identification  of
                                                                environmental aspects and its impact assessment for each
               SIH2028   AIR POLLUTION CONTROL                  operational  activity  are  to  be  carried  out  within  the
               This course is designed to provide a comprehensive
               understanding of the causes and effects of air pollution,   Assessment Methods:
               and the management measures and engineering      Continuous Assessment:   40%
               technologies available for its control. This is a recognised   Final Examination:      60%
               and sought-after knowledge within the professional
               environmental field in Malaysia and abroad.
                                                                SIH3007   INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     In pursuing vast and rapid development in any country, one
               Final Examination:      60%                      cannot avoid sacrificing its natural resources. Production of
                                                                waste is inevitable that waste management strategies need
                                                                to be improved from the ‘out-of-sight-out-of-mind’ concepts
               SIH2029   DISASTER MANAGEMENT                    into  an  integrated  waste  management  system.  It  is
                                                                imperative  for  countering  public  health  impacts  of
               The course for disaster management is introduced as part   uncollected  waste  and  environmental  impacts  of  open
               of  fulfilling  the  required  component  in  environmental   dumping  and  burning. Besides,  due  to  the  exhaustion  of
               management module. This course shall elaborate on the   natural resources and issues pertaining to climate change,
               standard phases in disaster management cycle in order to   a  linear  economy  needs  to  be  tuned-into  a  circular
               enable  students  in  relating  such  standard  phases  with   economy.
               hazard,  risk  and  vulnerability  of  natural  and  man-made
               disasters.  Students  are  also  expected  able  to  outline  of   Assessment Methods:
               disaster management plan for series of given case studies.   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Opportunities  to  have  experiential  learning  with  National   Final Examination:      60%
               Disaster  Mangement  Agency  (Malaysia)  or  any  other
               relevant organization will be seeked from time to time.
                                                                SIH3009   SLOPE ECO-ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     This  course  is  designed  to  introduce  students  to  eco-
               Final Examination:      60%                      engineering  techniques,  as  an  alternative  approach  to
                                                                stabilize and sustain slope. This course emphasizes on the
                                                                techniques  and  succession  management  mechanisms  in
               SIH2030   ORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENT              stabilizing  slope.  Procedure  for  plant  screening  and
                                                                performance,  and  slope  monitoring  is  described.  This
               This  course  focuses  on  the  diversity  of  living  organisms   course  also  exposes  students  to  practical  exercises  in
               including  the  prokaryotes,  protists,  fungi,  plants  and   applying the plant propagation techniques on slope.   Case
               animals.  Main  characteristics  and  examples  from  each   studies of eco-engineered slopes is also demonstrated.
               group  will  be  highlighted.  Interactions  between  various
               organisms  and  between  organisms  and  the  environment   Assessment Methods:
               will  be  described.  Adaptation  of  organisms  to  different   Continuous Assessment:   60%
               environments will also be discussed.             Final Examination:      40%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     SIH3017   TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF
               Final Examination:      50%                              HAZARDOUS WASTES
                                                                The technology and management of hazardous waste has
               SIH3005   ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT        developed  rapidly  and  dynamically.  Technology  transfers
                                                                have made the compliance of the existing regulations and
               This  course  shall  engage  students  to  the  experiential   environmental policy achievable. However it is very crucial
               learning of carrying out environmental impact assessment   in  managing  the  hazardous  waste,  one  possesses  an

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