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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               overview  of  the  field.  It  includes  identification,  handling,   SIH3025   INTRODUCTION TO BIOREMEDIATION
               treatment  and  disposal  of  hazardous  waste  including  e-
               waste.  This  course  is  intended  to  provide  sufficient   Bioremediation  is  the  use  of  living  organisms  to
               exposure to the varied and complex problems of hazardous   accumulate,  detoxify,  degrade,  or  remove  environmental
               waste, as well as, discussing the legislation, regulation, and   contaminants.  This  course  provides  an  overview  of  the
               local  and  foreign  impacts  pertaining  to  its  management.   bioremediation  process  including  the  main  sources  of
               Case studies will be provided to assist student to relate to   contaminants and environments where bioremediation can
               actual  environmental  situation  globally  and  locally,  and   be  used,  type  of  remediation  strategies  as  well  as  the
               current issues of the management of hazardous waste.   factors  that  influence  the  bioremediation  rates.  The
                                                                application  of  various  microorganisms  and  plants  in
               Assessment Methods:                              bioremediation will be discussed. Case studies on the use
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     of  bioremediation  strategies  in  contaminated  soil  and
               Final Examination:      60%                      groundwater will be reviewed.

                                                                Assessment Methods:
               SIH3018   ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY             Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                                                Final Examination:      50%
               The course focuses on the basic and applied concepts of
               environmental  microbiology.  Fundamental  concepts  in
               microbiology  such  as  microbial  diversity,  ecology  and   SIH3026   ENVIRONMENTAL WELL-BEING
               metabolism,  will  be  explained.  Microbial  diversity  in
               terrestrial and aquatic environments as well as their roles in   This course will discuss the positive and negative  effects
               the ecosystems will be described. Further, applications of   from  human-environment  interactions.  By  understanding
               microorganisms in wastewater treatment, bioremediation of   the roles of the environment and biospheres, and the effect
               polluted and deteriorated environments, and others will be   on human health and wellbeing, we are able to improve our
               discussed. Students will also gain practical skills in basic   quality  of  life  and  provide  a  sustainable  approach  to  the
               microbiological techniques.                      design and management of our environment.

               Assessment Methods:                              Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:      50%                      Final Examination:      50%

               SIH3019   TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENT                SIH3027   GREEN AGRICULTURE
               Introduction  to  tourism  and  ecotourism.  Tourism  and   This course is designed to introduce students on agriculture
               environment  in  Malaysian  scenario  including  law,  policy   and  environment  from  the  perspective  of  sustainable
               and  guidelines.  Principles  of  economic  valuation  on   agriculture. This course exposes students on the source,
               environmental  resources,  in  relation  to  tourism,  e.g.   impacts  and  control  of  environmental  problems  in
               Willingness to Pay (WTP) and Travel Cost Method (TCM).   agriculture.  Project  based  learning  approach  will  be
               Students will be able to conduct a survey on WTP and TCM   conducted to expose students on the solving environmental
               via field visits and construct their own set of questionares.   issues  that  are  related  to  agriculture  using  green
               Impacts  of  tourism  to  environment  and  how  to  achieve   technology.
               sustainable tourism, in which SWOT analysis will be used.
               Case study  on  selected  ecotourism  areas,  like Protected   Assessment Methods:
               Areas, World UNESCO Heritage and Ramsar sites.   Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                                                Final Examination:      50%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   100%
                                                                SIH4001   INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
               SIH3022   ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT               The  industrial  training  is  providing  students  with  learning
                        RESEARCH PROJECT                        opportunities  in  the  actual  working  environment  for  the
                                                                duration  19  weeks.  In  this  course,  students  will  gain
               Students  will  conduct  a  research  project  individually  on   practical  skill  and  experiences  in  solving  environmental
               environmental  issues  under  at  least  one  supervisor.  The   issues during their industrial attachment. Students will be
               student needs to propose a research proposal and present   attached to various organization/ industries and companies
               the  research  findings  scientifically  through  verbal   that are related to the environmental sustainability sector
               presentation and a writing of an academic journal article.   including the aspect of management and technology.
               Assessment Methods:                              Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    Continuous Assessment:   100%

                        MANAGEMENT                                BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MICROBIOLOGY AND
                                                                      MOLECULAR GENETICS PROGRAMME
               This course  prepares  students  the  necessary  knowledge
               and  skills  on  administrative  management  for  a  working
               environment  in  an  organization.  It  covers  theories  of   Career Prospects
               management,  planning,  organising  and  management  of   The  career  prospects  for  graduates  of  this  program  are
               meetings.                                        wide. Graduates will have opportunities to be employed in
               Assessment Methods:                              the public or private sector.
               Continuous Assessment:    100%

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