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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
protozoa, nematodes and insects. Principles, management SIE 3015 ECOTOXICOLOGY
practices and control of plant diseases including biological
control using viruses, bacteria and fungi. This course will provide a solid foundation in ecotoxicology,
including principle study methods in ecotoxicology,
Assessment Methods: distribution of chemicals in the environment, transformation
Continuous Assessment : 50% of chemicals in the environment, exposure and uptake by
Final Examination : 50% organisms, and effects on population, community and
ecosystem. Case studies and the procedures for Ecological
Impact Assessments will be studied in detail with an
SIE 3010 HORTICULTURE AND LANDSCAPING emphasis on the limitations of studies in a constantly
changing natural system.
Introduction to Horticulture and landscapes. Importantly,
horticultural crops are food and non-food crops. Assessment Methods:
Propagation, cultivation, growth medium, environmental Continuous Assessment: 60%
parameters, plant diseases and their control, and others will Final Examination: 40%
be discussed. Various aspects of the landscape will be
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50% Introduction to the major soil type in Malaysia and its
Final Examination: 50% vegetation. Soil biotic and abiotic factors that sustain
different vegetations on various soil types. Functions and
inter-relationships between organisms in soil, including
SIE 3012 PARASITOLOGY bacteria, fungi, protista, arthropod and other organisms.
Effects of human and/or nature on soil habitat.
This course will introduce macroparasites with focus on the
identification and classification of endo- and ectoparasites, Assessment Methods:
the biology, life-cycle, and preservation of specimens. Continuous Assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Final examination: 50% SIE 3017 SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION
The course gives an opportunity for students to discuss
SIE 3013 ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY research studies based on selective topics on ecology and
biodiversity. Students will be introduced to basic guidelines
This course will provide a solid foundation in economic of scientific writing and editing particularly for literature
entomology, emphasizing life-history, ecological and review (term papers and current topics), scientific papers
evolutionary factors which make certain species pests or (laboratory reports, dissertations, theses, and
beneficial insects. The course will cover insect diversity, experimentation or survey), and critique of research
taxonomy and classification, beneficial insects, medically papers. Techniques on oral presentation in scientific
important insects, urban pest, agricultural pests, insects as research will be introduced. The elements of writing that are
models in science and conservation. important to develop the clarity and precision required of
effective scientific communication will be emphasized.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment : 60% Assessment Methods:
Final Examination: 40% Continuous Assessment: 100%
Introduction to pest species. The needs of pest
management. Definition of the integrated pest The introduction and history of molecular ecology, issues in
management. The history and basic of the integrated pest ecological and evolution studies, molecular genetic
management. Pest control methods – Biological, chemical, indicators, allozyme / DNA, molecular genetic engineering,
physical, mechanical, interference and host resistance. molecular genetic indicator applications for ecological and
Pesticides crisis. Implementation method of integrated pest evolutionary problems, systematic molecular and
management. Examples of the integrated pest phylogenetic, evolution and decomposition, genetic
management usage in various fields, particularly in structure of the population to communities, microsatellite
agriculture. and genetic populations, structures and functions of
microbial communities, ancient DNA, molecular
Assessment Methods: approaches in conservation.
Continuous assessment: 50%
Final examination: 50% Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40%