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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               ray  crystallography  as  it  enables  the  study  of  non-  SIE 1003  CELL BIOLOGY
               crystalline,  very  large  or  transient  macromolecular
               structures.   This   course   also   introduces   some   This  course  is  divided  into  three  components  namely
               methodologies for protein purification for structural studies.   Genetics, Cell Biology and Molecular Biology. Content of
               It  also  examines  the  importance  of  protein-protein   each is stated below:
               interactions and some techniques used for the study.  Cell Biology

               Assessment Methods:                              This  component  will  discuss  on  the  basic  structures  and
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     functions  of  organelles  and  also  processes  involving
               Final Examination:     60%                       mitosis  and  meiosis.Students  will  also  be  introduced  to
                                                                prokaryotic  and  eukaryotic  cells;  and  the  differences
                                                                between these two types of cells.
               SIJ 3022 EPIGENETICS AND RNA BIOLOGY             Molecular Biology
                                                                In this component, students will first be refreshed on basic
               This course explores in detail the theories of epigenetics   aspects  of  molecular  genetics  (historical  account,  direct
               and  RNA  biology  in  the  various  organisms  and  how  it   and  indirect  evidences  of  DNA  as  genetic  materials,
               regulates  gene  expression.  The  main  topics  include   structure  and  properties  of  DNA,  DNA  replication,
               chromatin  structures,  histone  modification,  chromatin   transcription  and  translation  in  prokaryotes  and  how  to
               remodelling,  genomic  imprinting  and  split  genes,  RNA
               splicing. This course will also cover in depth learning and   decipher  genetics  codes).  The  component  will  later
               application of RNAi discovery, biogenesis, mechanism of   discusses on regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes
               small RNAs, structure and function of long non-coding.  (lac  operon,  catabolite  repression  and  trp  operon  and
                                                                attenuation), control by sigma factor, anti-termination, post-
               Assessment Methods:                              transcriptional  control  of  RNA  (trans-  and  cis-acting
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     regulators), and finally the applications of these knowledge
               Final Examination:     50%                       in DNA recombinant technology.
                                                                This  component  comprises  of  quick  introduction  of
                                                                Mendel’s  Law,  the  concept  of  alleles,  loci,  genes  and
                    BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECOLOGY &            chromosomes  and  test  crosses.  Students  will  be  first
                         BIODIVERSITY PROGRAMME                 refreshed  on  probability  calculations,  the  Punnet  square
                                                                and genetic linkage & mapping methods. The component
                                                                will  later  discusses  deeper  topics  of  inheritance  which
               Career Prospects
                                                                include  Extensions  to  Mendelian  Inheritance  Concept
               Government   sector:   Research   officer   (Q41),   (Epistasis,  Sex  linkage),  Sex  influenced  inheritance  and
               fisheries/agriculture  officer  /  garden  manager  (G41),   Pedigree analyses. At the end of this component students
               Science officer (C41), administrative / publishing / planning   will be exposed to topics such as Human Genetics, Genetic
               officer (N41), training officer (E41), academic staff, curator   Counselling  and  finally  a  brief  introduction  to  Population
               (S41), medical  officer  (U41), maritime  officer  (X41),    sea   Genetics and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.
               officer  (A41)  dan  administrative  and  diplomatic  officer
               (M41), and others                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous assessment:   50%
               Private sector: Technical research staff / science officer   Final examination:      50%
               (NGO), researcher/consultant (industry, consultation firms),
               marketing    executive,   academic    staff,
               writer/researcher/journalist  (mass  media),  environment   SIE 1004  INTRODUCTORY MICROBIOLOGY
               control  officer  (industry,  firms),  audit  officer  (corporate
               farms),  technical/management  officer  (agriculture  /   Introduction  to  Microbiology,  concepts  and  basic
               aquaculture  companies),  entrepreneur  (industry)  and   knowledge  in  microbiology,  evolution,  structure  and
               others.                                          function of the parts of prokaryotic, diversity and importance
                                                                of microorganisms  including  archaea,  bacteria,  fungi  and
                                                                viruses.  Besides  this,  student  will  be  exposed  to  the
                                                                development in microbiology in Malaysia.
               SIE 1002  BIOETHICS AND SAFETY
               To make aware on the importance of ethics and safety that   Assessment Methods:
               arises  within  the  scientific  profession  and  scientific   Continuous assessment:   50%
               research, especially the Life Science. A special focus on   Final examination:      50%
               bioethics and biosafety. Real cases of scientific bioethical
               misconduct,  as  well  as  the  relevant  principles  and
               standards of ethics in life sciences will be discussed.     SIE 2001  PRINCIPLES OF SYSTEMATICS
               The importance of lab safety and accreditation will also be
               explored.                                        This course is to develop the students skill in classification
                                                                of organisms by understanding the concepts of systematics
               Assessment Methods:                              and  the  philosophy  behind  systematics  (classification,
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    taxonomy and nomenclature). Taxonomy in particular and
                                                                systematics  are  generally  essential  in  scientific  research
                                                                and are fundamental to the study of population genetics.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous assessment:   60%
                                                                Final examination:      40%

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