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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:   50%                         SIR3041  MARINE AND ESTUARINE MICROBIOLOGY
                                                                Sampling   techniques   and   seawater   analysis.
               SIR3033  APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL               Characteristics of marine and estuarine habitats. Bacteria,
                       MICROBIOLOGY                             algae,  protozoa,  zooplankton,  virus  and  fungi  in  seas.
                                                                Microbial interactions in marine and estuarine ecosystems.
               Understanding the role of microbes and its biochemistry for   Nutrient  cycles  (C,  N,  P,  Si)  in  marine  ecosystems.
               processing industrial products, microbiological principles in   Microbiology and geochemistry of mangrove and coral reef
               biogeochemical  cycle,  use  of  biosensors  and  biochips  in   ecosystems
               industrial  and  environmental  microbiological  processes,
               application  of  intellectual  property  principles  in  industrial   Assessment Methods:
               and environmental microbiology.                  Continuous Assessment:   60%
                                                                Final Examination:   40%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     SIR3042  PLANT MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR
               Final Examination:   50%                                BIOLOGY
                                                                An  introduction  to  the  basic  principles  and  current
               SIR3034  APPLIED GENOMICS IN ANIMAL BREEDING     development  on  plant  molecular  biology.  Covering
                                                                theoretical  and  practical  aspects  that  are  important  for
               The course covers how genomic tools with emphasis using   current  approaches  in  plant  improvement  and  plant
               molecular  genetic  markers  are  to  be  applied  in  various   biotechnology. This course also introduces basic principles
               animal  breeding  programmes  as  an  aid  for  genetic   of plant genetic engineering and the techniques involved.
               identification,  monitoring  inbreeding  effects,  parentage   Issues related to GMO will be discussed.
               identification, stock assignment and construction of genetic
               maps  for  animal  improvement  for  selected  traits  in   Assessment Methods:
               domesticated  animals  which  is  preferred  in  livestock   Continuous Assessment:   50%
               production.                                      Final Examination:   50%
               Assessment Methods:                              SIR3043  CONSERVATION GENETICS
               Continuous Assessment:   100%
                                                                This course covers the following topics: Biological diversity
                                                                (ecosystem, species, genetics), resources and ownership
               SIR3035  ANIMAL GENETICS AND GENE                of  the  Malaysian  forest,  estimating  and  characterizing
                       MANIPULATION                             genetic  diversity,  inbreeding  depression,  population
                                                                fragmentation,  genetic  management  in  the  wild  and
               The  course  is  an  introduction  to  the  genetic  principles,   captivity, units of conservation, use genetic tools in forensic
               mining  functional  animal  traits  using  genomic  selection,   and conservation management, climate change
               manipulation of genes for genetic improvement of animals
               and biosafety regulations related to animal research. The   Assessment Methods:
               students  develop  skills  in  collecting,  analysing  and   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               disseminating  information  and  data  related  to  animal   Final Examination:   60%
               genetics and gene manipulation.
                                                                SIR3044  MOLECULAR EVOLUTION AND
               Assessment Methods:                                     PHYLOGENETICS
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:   60%                         This course will give an overview of processes in molecular
                                                                evolution and how past evolutionary events and processes
                                                                can be understood from the analysis and interpretation of
               SIR3036  FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY                 molecular  data.  This  course  covers  the  following  topics:
                                                                evolutionary processes in populations, evolution of genes
               Elaborate   microbial   and   biochemical   aspects   in   and genome, concept of species, speciation, evolution of
               fermentation  processing,  principles  and  kinetics  of   genetic  systems,  homology  and  sequence  alignment,
               fermentation,  types  of  bioreactors  and  generation  of   models  of  evolution,  phylogenetic,  neutral  evolution,
               fermentation products                            coalescent theory, rate of evolutionary change and concept
                                                                of molecular dating
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Assessment Methods:
               Final Examination:   50%                         Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                                Final Examination:   60%
                                                                SIR3045  ADVANCED MYCOLOGY
               Antimicrobial  agents:  types  of  antibiotic,  mode  of  action,
               resistance and other problems in antibiotics utilisation. New   Fungi  are  important  decomposer  in  ecosystem  and  also
               sources  of  antibiotics.Vaccines:  mode  of  action,  pro  and   play  role  in  human  lives.  This  course  covers  the
               cons   of   vaccines   utilisation.   Disinfectants   and   evolutionary genetics, recent developments and application
               preservatives. Introduction to Pharmacopeias. Commercial   of fungi.
               production of antibiotics. Sterility testing. Good practices for
               pharmaceutical microbiology labs. Quality assurance   Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Assessment Methods:                              Final Examination:   50%
               Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:   50%

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