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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
concepts, mechanisms and immunotherapies in SIR3027 EPIGENETICS AND GENE REGULATION
autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity, transplantation
immunology and tumour immunity will also be focused, as This course will provide a basic understanding of the role of
well as the emerging roles of human microbiota and epigenetics in gene regulation. Topics will include
immunity. chromatin remodelling, histone modifications, DNA
methylation, the importance of epigenetics in normal
Assessment Methods: cellular functions, evidence for epigenetics involvement in
Continuous Assessment: 50% disease.
Final Examination: 50%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50%
SIR3023 ADVANCED VIROLOGY Final Examination: 50%
This module covers topics on viral infection, transmission
and mechanisms of viral pathogenesis. The roles of SIR3028 EUKARYOTIC CELL SIGNALLING
viruses in causing plant and human diseases as well as
the current interventions that exploit viruses in prevention This is an advanced course covering the following topics of
and treatment of diseases will be discussed. cellular and molecular biology of eukaryotes: in the
mammalian system, topics covered are revision of the cell
Assessment Methods: cycle and the molecular basis of cell cycle regulation,
Continuous Assessment: 50% apoptosis pathways, modes of cell signalling, signalling
Final Examination: 50% molecules and their receptors including G protein coupled
receptors, enzyme linked receptors, non- receptor enzymes
in signalling and second messengers. In plant system,
SIR3024 MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS topics covered are signal perception, transduction and
integration in plants; intracellular signal transduction,
The course covers host defences against infection and the amplification and integration via second messenger and
bacterial strategies in overcoming host response: virulence MAPK cascades; signal transduction from phytochromes;
factors that promote colonization of host surfaces and seedling development; stomatal aperture; cell senescence
invasion of host cells. Regulation of virulence genes. and apoptosis; and cell senescence metabolism.
Characteristics of Pathogenicity Islands, endotoxin,
exotoxin- characteristics of exotoxins, toxin types, secretion Assessment Methods:
and excretion systems, roles of toxins in diseases; Continuous Assessment: 50%
Mechanism of antimicrobial resistance and how bacteria Final Examination: 50%
become resistant to antibiotics. Examples of specific
bacterial pathogens.
Practical component on laboratory skills. SIR3029 GENETIC BASIS OF CANCER
Assessment Methods: The course gives an understanding on cancer and why it is
Continuous Assessment: 60% seen as a much feared disease worldwide. The etiology,
Final Examination: 40% development and treatment of cancer will be discussed
focusing on the genetic and molecular aspect.
SIR3025 CYTOGENETICS Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50%
This course focuses on structure and function of Final Examination: 50%
chromosomes, movement of chromosomes during mitosis,
modifications of mitosis, movement of chromosomes during
meiosis, correlation between meiosis and Mendelian laws, SIR3031 ADVANCED FOOD MICROBIOLOGY
aberrant meiosis, methods in cytogenetics, karyotype
analysis and nomenclature, variation in chromosome types, Advanced food microbiology is a follow-up course of food
variation in chromosome number and structure. microbiology. The students are required to have basic
knowledge in food microbiology to understand this course.
Assessment Methods: Advanced food microbiology covers various food protection
Continuous Assessment: 40% methods and approaches used in the food industry to
Final Examination: 60% prolong shelf life and ensure food safety. Also, students will
be exposed to HACCP and ISO systems used widely in the
food industry nowadays, food safety objectives (FSO) and
SIR3026 DEVELOPMENTAL GENETICS risk analysis as a widely used risk managing system in
ensuring global safe food trading. In this course, hands-on
This course focuses on basic concepts and general practical to measure and analyse the efficiency of various
principles in embryonic development, genetic approach to food protection methods and establishment of FSO and risk
development, genetic toolkit for Drosophila development, assessment model will be conducted.
spatial regulation of gene expression in development, post-
transcriptional regulation of gene expression in Assessment Methods:
development, the many roles of individual toolkit genes, Continuous Assessment: 70%
development and disease. Final Examination: 30%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50% SIR3032 AGRICULTURAL MICROBIOLOGY
Final Examination: 50%
The importance of microorganisms in recycling nutrients to
reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture, biogeochemical
cycles, biological processes for controlling plant pest &
diseases, soil fertility management.