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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SIR2013  VIROLOGY                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Structure  and  Characteristics  of Viruses: Building  of  viral   Final Examination:   50%
               capsid  structures,  the  types  of  viral  capsids  and
               nucleocapsids, virus envelope, the types of viral proteins
               and  nucleic  acids.  The  principles  of  viral  taxonomy;   SIR2018  MOLECULAR GENETICS
               replication:  The  structure  of  viruses  and  their  replicative
               cycle,  the  rationale  behind  the  Baltimore  classification   This  course  includes  topics  involved  in  eukaryotic  DNA
               system of viruses and example viruses for each Baltimore   replication,  gene  transcription  and  translation.  The  topics
               group, genome expression (RNA transcription and protein   covered:  Eukaryotic  genome,  C-value  paradox,  histones
               translation)  based  on  Baltimore  groups,  viral  genome   and   non-histone   proteins,   heterochromatin   and
               replication, and assembly of viral components to form new   euchromatin,  classes  of  DNA,  DNA  replication  in
               viruses.  Virus  pathogenesis:  Virus  transmission,  virus   eukaryotes,  transcription,  RNA  polymerases  I,  II  and  III,
               infection phases, virus entry into               gene  regulation  in  eukaryotes,  various  control  and
               cells, the interaction virus-host and mechanisms of disease,   regulatory elements, pre-mRNA processing and alternative
               and  measurements  for  prevention  and  control  of  viral   splicing,  RNA  processing  events  (rRNA,  tRNA,  trans-
               diseases.                                        splicing,  RNA-editing),  posttranscriptional  control  of  gene
                                                                expression,  transcriptional  regulation  (DNA  binding
               Assessment Methods:                              domains),  and  transcriptional  regulation  through  signal
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     transduction pathway.
               Final Examination:   50%
                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   50%
               SIR2014  MICROBIOLOGY PRACTICAL                  Final Examination:   50%
               In this course, students will be introduced to principles of
               laboratory techniques related to virology, immunology and   SIR2019  GENOMES
               bacteriology  such  as  serological  and  molecular  assays.
               Discussion  on  the  current  technologies  used    to  further   This  course  introduces  prokaryotic,  eukaryotic  and  viral
               enhance knowledge in the above fields will be conducted.   genomes and techniques for studying these genomes. The
               This  course  will  provide  the  necessary  knowledge  and   topics  of  this  course  include:  Genome  sequencing
               specific skills to have hands-on experience in microbiology   technologies, genome assembly and annotations, genome
               laboratories.                                    sequencing  projects,  genome  anatomies,  genome
                                                                functional  identification,  transcriptomics,  proteomics,
               Assessment Methods:                              epigenomics and other –omics technologies.
               Continuous Assessment:   100%
                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   50%
               SIR2015  MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY                    Final Examination:   50%
               Growth,  stress  response,  injuries,  starvation  and  death.
               Morphogenesis.  Structure  and  function  of  membranes,   SIR2020  GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
               movement  and  chemotaxis.  Aggregation  and  biofilm   PRACTICAL II
               formation.  Energy  production:  aerobic  and  anaerobic.
               Anapleurotic pathways. Photosynthesis.           The  practical  classes  emphasize  on  learning  laboratory
               Biosyntesis  of  macromolecules.  Storage  materials   approaches  to  DNA,  RNA  and  protein  assays  requiring
               secondary metabolites. Microbs and metals.       hands-on  bench-work  and  biological  data  analysis.  The
                                                                introductory lectura prior to the wet lab covers the theory
               Assessment Methods:                              behind the experiment and some of the techniques. This
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     practical  module  focuses  on  the  eukaryotic  system  in
               Final Examination:   50%                         animal  and  plant  cells.  Techniques  will  include  the
                                                                principles  of  DNA  extraction,  RNA  extraction,  protein
                                                                extraction,  Sanger  sequencing,  multiple  sequence
               SIR2016  EUKARYOTIC MICROORGANISMS               alignment,  BLAST,  oligonucleotide  design;  synthesis,
                                                                quantitative  polymerase  chain  reaction  analysis,  western
               This course will cover the origin and evolution of eukaryotic   blotting, one and two dimensional electrophoresis. Recent
               microorganisms,  diversity  and  classification  of  fungi,   advances in Genomics analysis will also be briefly taught.
               importance of fungi to plant and animal health, the economy
               and  environment,  symbiotic  relationship  of  fungi  as   Assessment Methods:
               mycorrhizae and lichen, diversity and importance of algae   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               to  health  and  the  environment,  diversity  of  protozoa  and
               their importance to human health.
                                                                SIR3018  BIOSAFETY AND BIOSECURITY
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Awareness on the importance of biosafety and biosecurity
               Final Examination:   50%                         that arises within the profession and scientific research of
                                                                microbiology and genetics. Case studies of biosafety and
               SIR2017  MICROBIAL ECOLOGY                       biosecurity  and  relevant  biorisk  management  will  be
                                                                discussed. The importance of lab safety and accreditation
               Microorganism and ecological theory. Microbial population   will also be explored.
               and  community  dynamics.  Role  of  microorganisms  in
               elemental cycles. Microorganisms in natural environments;   Assessment Methods:
               growth, interaction and adaptation. Marine microbial food   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               web and climate change.

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