Page 149 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 149

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               Exploratory  analyses:  dimensional  reduction  methods
               such  as  principal  components  analysis  and  linear
               discriminant analysis. Feature selection.
                                              SIT3022   PROBABILITY THEORY
               Supervised learning: artificial neural networks, k-nearest
               neighbours,   logistic   regression,   naïve-Bayes,   Probability measure and space, sigma field. Lebesgue
               classification  and  regression  trees,  or  support  vector   integration.   Random   variables,   measurability,
               machine. Ensemble methods: bagging, random forest,   independence.  Distribution  functions.  Inequalities,
               and  boosting.  Unsupervised  learning:  K-means  and   characteristic functions. Various modes of convergence
               hierarchical clustering.       of  sequences  of  random  variables.  Classical  limit
                                              theorems. Examples of applications.
               Continuous Assessment:   50%   Assessment:
               Final Examination:    50%      Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                              Final Examination:   50%
                                              SIT3023      STATISTICAL LABORATORY
               Introduction to hypothesis testing, sign test and signed
               rank test, Mann-Whittney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, runs   Use of functions and commands in statistical packages
               test,  contingency  tables,  median  test,  goodness  of  fit   for  exploratory  data  analysis, modelling  and  statistical
               test,  Spearman's  rank  test,  Kolmogorov  Smirnov  test,   inferences.  Coding  and  programming  using  statistical
               permutation  test,  kernel  density  estimation,  spline   software to solve statistical problems.
               regression estimation.
               Assessment:                    Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   Final Examination:   50%
               Final Examination:    60%
                                              SIT3024   STATISTICAL CONSULTANCY
                                              Introduction  to  consultancy  activities  and  consulting
               Bayes' Theorem. Bayesian framework and terminology.   methods. Related problems and issues. Exposure to the
               Bayesian  inference.  Prior  formulation.  Implementation   use of primary and secondary data from various sources.
               via  posterior  sampling.  Bayesian  decision  theory.   Application  of  suitable  statistical  methods  such  as
               Hierarchical models. Application to real-world problems.   multivariate analysis, regression and time series in the
                                              analysis of real data.  Producing report and presenting
               Assessment:                    the findings that suit the needs of the client.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%      Assessment:
                                              Continuous Assessment:   100%
               SIT3020    PYTHON FOR DATA SCIENCE
                                              SIT3025   STATISTICAL SCIENCE PROJECT
               Description:  Introduction  to  Python  programming;
               Control  statement  and  program  development;  Python   Subject to supervising lecturer.
               data  structures,  strings  and  files;  Functions;  Lists  and
               Tuples;   Dictionaries   and   sets;   Array-oriented   Assessment:
               programming  with  NumPy;  Pandas  series  and   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               DataFrame;   Data   wrangling;   Object-oriented
               programming; Python libraries for data analysis such as
               Jupyter Notebook, SciPy, mglearn and matplotlib.
               Data science: Basic descriptive statistics; Simulation and
               static/dynamic visualisation;  data mining  tools  such  as
               principal component analysis and discriminant analysis.
               Big  Data  and  Cloud  case  study:  Deep  learning;
               convolutional   and   recurrent   neural   networks;
               Reinforcement learning; Network analysis.
               Continuous Assessment:    50%
               Final Examination:    50%
               SIT3021    INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
               Candidates  are  required  to  spend  a  minimum  of  16
               weeks  working  with  selected  companies  in  selected
               areas of industry.
               Continuous Assessment:   100%
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