Page 147 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 147
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024
Correlation: continuous response data, simple and Continuous Assessment: 40%
multiple linear model. Final Examination: 60%
Statistical tests: Goodness of fit tests, ANOVA,
Nonparametric test.
Statistical Report Writing.
Simple linear regression: Estimation, hypothesis testing,
Assessment: analysis of variance, confidence intervals, correlation,
Continuous Assessment: 50% residuals analysis, prediction. Model inadequacies,
Final Examination: 50% diagnostics, heterogeneity of variance, nonlinearity,
distributional assumption, outliers, transformation.
Selected topics from matrix theory and multivariate
normal distribution. Multiple linear regressions:
SIT2001 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS Estimated multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing,
II ANOVA, Confidence Interval, Model selection criteria,
Diagnostics for influential observations and
Distributions of two and more dimensional random multicollinearity. Introduction to logistic and Poisson
variables. Correlation coefficient. Conditional regression.
distributions. Bivariate normal distribution.
Transformation of two random variables. Distributions of Assessment:
order statistics. Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Biased and unbiased estimators. Method of moments.
Method of maximum likelihood. Confidence interval for:
mean, proportion and variance of single population;
difference between two means, difference between two SIT2010 STOCHASTIC PROCESSES
proportions and ratio of variances.
Definition and examples of stochastic processes:
Hypothesis testing for: mean, proportion and variance of Gambler’s ruin problem, Brownian motion and Poisson
single population; difference between two means, process. Introduction to simple random walk. Discrete
difference between two proportions and ratio of time Markov Chains. Transition probability. Properties of
variances. Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests and class. Transience and recurrence properties. Absorbing
contingency tables. probability. Stationary distribution and limiting
probability. Markov chain simulations and applications.
Power of a statistical test. Best critical region. Likelihood
ratio test. Chebyshev's inequality. Convergence in Assessment:
probability and distribution. Asymptotic distribution of Continuous Assessment: 40%
maximum likelihood estimator. Rao-Cramer's inequality. Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
This course exposes students to some aspects of
statistics in community. The main aim is to highlight the
role of official statistics in society. The topics chosen for
SIT2007 FOUNDATIONS OF DATA this course come from a variety of different areas, for
SCIENCE example, statisticians and their work, statistics and
technology, and statistics and society. Students will work
Introduction to data science; Differences between in groups on projects related to the topics discussed in
experimental and observational data; Characteristics of lectures. Students will use elements of statistics in the
big data sets; Sources of biases in data sets; Introduction planning a community project including designing
to industry-level, open source computing tools such as questionnaire, collecting/managing/analyzing data and
R; Data management; Graphical visualisation including reporting the findings. Each group is required to identify
spatial data; Analysis and interpretation of real data sets and plan activities for a community partnership that will
with varying degrees of complexity using appropriate not only help them to enhance their understanding or
statistical methods. gain a different perspective of their project but will also
be beneficial to the community partner. Each student will
Assessment: be required to record a reflection of their experiences
Continuous Assessment: 50% before, during and after the field work at the community
Final Examination: partner and to submit their record with the group project
50% report at the end of the semester. Students are also
required to do a group presentation based on the project.
SIT2008 FURTHER MATHEMATICAL Continuous Assessment: 100%
The exponential family; sufficient, complete and ancillary
statistics; minimum variance unbiased estimators; SIT3003 COMPUTER INTENSIVE
Bayesian estimation; Delta method for asymptotic METHODS IN STATISTICS
approximation; distributions of certain quadratic forms-
one and two factors analysis of variance; probability Computer generation of uniform and non-uniform
measure space; law of large numbers; Borel-Cantelli random variables. Monte Carlo evaluation of integrals.
lemma. Variance reduction techniques. Bootstrap and jackknife
methods; Applications in confidence interval
Assessment: construction. Maximum likelihood estimation of model