Page 148 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               parameters  via  the  Expectation-Maximization  (EM)   block designs. Latin squares. Incomplete block designs.
               algorithm. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method.   Factorial  designs.  Confounding.  Fractional  factorial
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   Assessment:
               Final Examination:    60%      Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                              Final Examination:   60%
               SIT3004    APPLIED STOCHASTIC
                          PROCESSES           SIT3013   ANALYSIS  OF  FAILURE  AND
                                                       SURVIVAL DATA
               Time  reversible  Markov  chains.  Poisson  processes.
               Continuous-time  Markov  chains  and  birth  and  death   Survival  distributions,  hazard  models.  Reliability  of
               processes.  Brownian  motion.  Application  to  real-world   systems, stochastic models.  Censoring and life-tables.
               phenomena, such as in finance.   The product-limit estimator. Parametric survival models
                                              under censoring. Cox  proportional hazards model  and
               Assessment:                    other models with covariates.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%      Assessment:
                                              Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                              Final Examination:   60%
               SIT3005    TIME SERIES AND
                          FORECASTING METHODS
               Introduction to time series and forecasting. Time series   SIT3015   INTRODUCTION   TO
               graphics.  Simple  forecasting  methods.  Transformation   MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS
               and adjustments.  Fitted values, residuals and prediction
               intervals.  Time  series  regression.  Time  series   Matrix algebra and random vectors. Multivariate normal
               decomposition. Exponential smoothing. ARIMA models.   distribution.   Wishart   distribution   and   Hotelling
               ARCH and GARCH models.         distribution.  Multivariate  linear  regression,  canonical
                                              correlation  analysis.  Dimensional  reduction  methods:
               Assessment:                    principal  component  analysis,  and  linear  discriminant
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   analysis. Clustering methods for unsupervised learning.
               Final Examination:    60%      Application of linear discriminant analysis, classification
                                              and regression trees for supervised learning.
               SIT3008    INTRODUCTION TO SURVEY    Continuous Assessment:   40%
                          SAMPLING            Final Examination:   60%
               This course focuses on statistical sampling methods with
               applications in the analysis of sample survey data. The
               sampling  methods  include  simple  random  sampling,   SIT3016   GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS
               stratified  random  sampling,  systematic  sampling  and
               cluster  sampling.  Estimation  of  population  parameters   Introduction  to  generalized  linear  model  based  on  the
               for  different  sampling methods  will  be fully  discussed.   exponential  family.  For  example,  multiple  linear
               Special  estimation  techniques  including  ratio  and   regression for normal data, logistic regression for binary
               regression estimations will be introduced in the context   data,  Poisson  regression  for  counts,  log  linear  for
               of  simple  random  sampling  and  stratified  random   contingency table, and gamma regression for continuous
               sampling.  Areas  of  application  may  include  social   non-normal data.
               science and official statistics.
                                              Study  the  theory  of  GLM  including  estimation  and
               Assessment:                    inference.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%      Introduction to fitting GLM in R.
                                              Focus  on  the  analysis  of  data:  binary,  count  and
                                              continuous,  model   selection,  model   evaluation,
               SIT3009    STATISTICAL PROCESS    interpretation, prediction and residual analysis.
               Methods  and  philosophy  of  statistical  process  control.   Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Control  charts  for  variables  and  attributes.  Time-  Final Examination:   60%
               weighted  control  charts.  Process  capability  analysis.
               Multivariate control charts. Acceptance sampling plans.
               Assessment:                    SIT3017   STATISTICAL  LEARNING  AND
               Continuous Assessment:    40%           DATA MINING
               Final Examination:    60%
                                              This course prepares students for applied work in data
                                              science  by  building  on  students’  foundations  of  data
                                              science skills. Students will learn advanced methods in
               SIT3012   DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF   statistical  learning  and  data  mining,  using  appropriate
                        EXPERIMENTS           computing tools such as R. The strengths of the diversity
                                              of  approaches  are  illustrated  through  analyses  of  real
               Philosophy related to statistical designed experiments.   world  data  sets  covering  commonly  encountered  data
               Completely randomized one-factor design. Randomized   types.
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