Page 143 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               SIM3020      INDUSTRIAL TRAINING   statistics.
               Candidates are required to spend a minimum 16 weeks   Assessment:
               working  with  selected  companies  in  selected  areas  of   Continuous Assessment:    50%
               industry.                      Final Examination:    50%
               Continuous Assessment:    100%
                                              SIM3026      PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY
               SIM3021      MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE PROJECT   Introduction
                                              The importance of inventory in management.
               Subject to supervising lecturer.
                                              Inventory model
               Assessment:                    Advanced EOQ models.
               Continuous Assessment:    100%   Inventory  model  for  time-dependent  demand:  linear
                                              increase or decrease cases.
                                              Exact and approximate methods by minimizing ordering
               SIM3022      CRYPTOGRAPHY      and holding costs.
               Basic concept of cryptography, data security, complexity   Applications
               theory  and  number  theory.      Encryption  algorithms,   Applications to real-world problems.
               secret key cryptography, public key cryptography, hash
               functions.  Quantum  cryptography.  Applications  of   Assessment:
               cryptography.                  Continuous Assessment:    40%
                                              Final Examination:    60%
               Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Final Examination:    60%
                                              SIM3027      MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING
                                              Introduction  of  linear  programming  in  matrix  form.
               SIM3023      NUMERICAL METHODS AND    Simplex  method  in  matrix  form,  two  phase  simplex
                       ANALYSIS               method in matrix form. Revised simplex method in matrix
                                              form. Two phase revised simplex method in matrix form.
               Approximation methods:  discrete, linear  and  nonlinear   Sensitivity  analysis.  Dual  simplex.  Integer  linear
               least  square,  orthogonal  polynomials,  Chebyshev   programming  (cutting  plane  algorithms,  binary  (0-1)).
               polynomials, Gram-Schmidt process.   Parametric  linear  programming.  Upper  bounded
                                              variables method. Goal programming (graphical method,
               Eigenvalue problem: Gershgorin circle, power method,   simplex  method),  Karmarkar’s  interior  point  algorithm,
               Householder’s methods, QR algorithm.   Dantzig-Wolf decomposition principle.
               Initial value problems of ordinary differential equations:   Assessment:
               Euler,  high  order  Taylor,  Runge-Kutta  and  multistep   Continuous Assessment:    40%
               methods.  Analysis  of  convergence,  stability  and  error   Final Examination:    60%
               Continuous Assessment:    40%   SIM3028      INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS
               Final Examination:    60%              RESEARCH
                                              Definition of a network. Node, branch and path.
               SIM3024      COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY
                                              Network flow
               Vector  algebra,  introduction  to  differential  geometry,   Shortest path (distance), decision tree, maximum flow,
               design of surfaces for Bezier surfaces, triangular Bezier   maximum flow-minimum cost.
               surfaces,  rational  B-splines  for  Bezier  and  Coons
               surfaces.                      Activity network
                                              Critical  path  model  method  (cpm),  Project  valuation.
               Assessment:                    Optimal path. Project scheduling. Probability analysis.
               Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Final Examination:    60%      Assessment:
                                              Continuous Assessment:    40%
                                              Final Examination:    60%
               SIM3025      SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING
               Functions.   Data   structures.   Pointers/References.   SIM3029      COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS
               Classes and objects.
                                              Concepts  of fluid  dynamics:  types  of  fluids  and  flows.
               Programmatic  modeling  and  analysis  of  selected   Solution  approaches  to  fluid  dynamics.  Forces,  laws
               problems  from,  but  not  limited  to  algebra,  data   governing fluid motion and conservation of momentum.
               processing  and  analysis,  dynamical  systems,  graph   Dynamics in one dimension and motion on a plane.
               theory, interpolation, linear algebra, linear and nonlinear
               equations,  mathematical  physics,  optimization,  and   Derivation  of  stream  function  and  equations  of  Euler,
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