Page 141 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               factor groups; group homomorphisms.   systems. Liapunov’s method. Applications
               Ring  Theory  –  rings,  integral  domains  and  fields;   Assessment:
               subrings,   ideals   and   quotient   rings;   ring   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               homomorphisms;  polynomial  rings,  the  Division   Final Examination:   60%
               algorithm and Euclidean algorithm in polynomial rings.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   SIM2020      MANAGEMENT MATHEMATICS
               Final Examination:    60%
                                              Output function: Theory and some concepts. Break even
                                              model.  Maximum  profit  for  monopoly  and  oligopoly
                                              markets. Inventory model. EOQ Model, reordering point,
               SIM2015      INTRODUCTION TO ANALYSIS    finite  input  rate,  shortage  and  discount  quantity.
                                              Probabilistic model, safety stock and efficiency level.
               Sequences.  Topology  of  the  real  line.  Compactness.
               Properties  of  continuous  functions.  Uniform  continuity.
               Derivative  of  a  function.  Properties  of  differentiable   Assessment:
               functions.  Mean  Value  Theorems.  Higher  order   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               derivatives. L’Hospital’s Rules.   Final Examination:   60%
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%      SIM2021      OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES
                                              Unconstraint  optimization,  necessary  and  sufficient
                                              condtions   for   an   extremum   point.   Constraint
               SIM2016      COMPLEX VARIABLES    optimization.  Type  of  constraint.  A  variation  of
                                              techniques for solving nonlinear problems.
               Complex numbers, complex functions, limits, continuity.
               Differentiable  and  analytic functions,  Cauchy-Riemann   Assessment:
               equations, harmonic functions.  Sequences and series of   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               complex  numbers,  convergence  tests,  power  series.   Final Examination:   60%
               Elementary functions: the complex exponential function,
               complex  logarithms,  complex  exponents,  trigonometry
               functions.  Complex  integrals,  contour  integrals,  the
               Cauchy-Goursat theorem, the fundamental theorems of   SIM3001      GRAPH THEORY
               integration, Cauchy’s integral formula, Cauchy’s integral
               formula for derivatives and Morera’s theorem.   Graph theory and its applications.
               Assessment:                    Topics will be selected from the following:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   Eulerian graphs, trees, planar graphs, graph colouring
               Final Examination:    60%      and  chromatic  polynomials,  Hamiltonian  graphs,
                                              matching theory, directed graphs and the shortest path
                                              problem, network theory.
               SIM2017      GEOMETRY          Assessment:
                                              Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Euclidean Geometry, congruence, parallelism, similarity,   Final Examination:   60%
               isometry,  Incidence  geometry  of  the  hyperbolic  plane,
               motions of the sphere.
               Assessment:                    SIM3002      COMBINATORIAL MATHEMATICS
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:             Enumerative   combinatorics:   permutations   and
                       60%                    combinations,  Catalan  numbers,  Stirling  numbers  and
                                              partition numbers.
                                              Existential combinatorics: pigeonhole principle, Ramsey
               SIM2018      PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS   theory of graphs and systems of distinct representatives.
               Fourier  series,  introduction  to  partial  differential   Combinatorial  designs:  block  designs,  balanced
               equations,  method  of  characteristics,  separation  of   incomplete  block  designs,  Steiner  triple  systems  and
               variables, Laplace transform method.   Hadamard matrices.
               Assessment:                    Assessment:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%      Final Examination:   60%
               SIM2019      SYSTEMS OF ORDINARY    SIM3003      NUMBER THEORY
                       DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
                                              Prime  numbers.  The  division  algorithm  and  unique
               Linear systems of first-order equations. Homogeneous   factorization  theorem  for  integers.  Linear  diophantine
               linear systems. Nonhomogeneous linear systems.    equations.  Theory  of  congruence  and  the  Chinese
                                              Remainder  Theorem.  RSA  encryption.  Quadratic
               Nonlinear autonomous systems. Stability. Locally linear   reciprocity  and  the  Legendre  symbol.  Arithmetic
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