Page 140 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 140

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               integrals, Jacobians.          method, Hermite interpolation, cubic spline interpolation.
               Basic set theory. Functions, bijective functions, inverse   Roots  of  nonlinear  equation:  bisection  method,  fixed-
               functions.  Finite  and  infinite  sets,  countable  and   point  iteration,  Newton  –  Raphson  method,  secant
               uncountable  sets.  The  Real  Number  system.  Bounds,   method.
               supremum and infimum. Archimedean property. Rational
               and  irrational  numbers.    Properties  of  real  numbers.   Numerical differentiation: Forward, backward and central
               Sequences  of  real  numbers,  convergence.  Limit   finite difference methods.
               Theorems.  Monotone  sequences,  Cauchy  sequences
               and subsequences. Basic topology of the real line: Open   Numerical   Integration:   trapezoidal,   Simpson’s,
               and closed sets, accumulation points.   Romberg’s methods. Composite methods.
               Assessment:                    System  of  linear  equations.  Matrix  factorization,  LU
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   factorization.
               Final Examination:    60%
                                              Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                              Final Examination:   60%
               SIM2002      LINEAR ALGEBRA
               Vector spaces and subspaces, null spaces, sums and
               direct  sums  of  subspaces.  Linear  independences,   SIM2011      STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING
               bases,  dimension,  the  subspaces  dimension  theorem,
               row  and  column  spaces,  rank,  ordered  bases,   Algorithms:  Structured  programming  –  sequence,
               coordinates, changes of basis.  Linear transformations,   decision statement and loops. Object-oriented design.
               kernel   and   range,   the   rank-nullity   theorem,
               isomorphisms,  matrix  representations.  Eigenvalues,   Programming:  fundamental  data  types  –  int,  double,
               eigenvectors,   characteristic   polynomials,   char.  Operators,  precedence  order.  Pre-processor
               diagonalizability, the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.   directives.  In-built  functions.  User-defined  functions  –
                                              pass by value and reference. One- and two-dimensional
               Assessment:                    arrays.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%      Introduction to user-defined data types – structures and
                                              Applications of numerical methods: integer and floating
               SIM2007      APPRECIATION OF MATHEMATICS  point  arithmetic,  root  finding,  solutions  of  ordinary
                                              differential equations. Use of random number generator.
               This course exposes students to some aesthetic aspects
               of mathematics that they may not have encountered in   Assessment:
               other mathematics courses. The main aim is to promote   Continuous Assessment:   50%
               appreciation of the beauty of mathematics and the role   Final Examination:   50%
               mathematics plays in society. The topics chosen for this
               course  come  from  a  variety  of  different  areas,  for
               example,  mathematical  puzzles  and  games,  famous
               solved  or  unsolved  mathematical  problems  and  their   SIM2012      BASIC OPERATIONS RESEARCH
               history,  mathematicians  and  their  work,  mathematics
               and  music,  mathematics  and  origami,  mathematics  in   Introduction  to  the  problems  in  operations  research,
               technology and mathematics in nature. Students will be   modelling,   formulation   and   examples.   Linear
               put into  groups  and  each group  will  work  on  a  project   programming, transportation and assignment problems.
               related  to  any  of  the  topics  discussed  in  the  lectures.   Integer  programming,  game  theory  and  dynamic
               Students collectively will use elements of mathematics to   programming.
               undertake  the  project.  Each  group  is  also  required  to
               identify and plan activities for a community partnership   Assessment:
               that  will  not  only  help  them  to  enhance  their   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               understanding  or  gain  a  different  perspective  of  their   Final Examination:   60%
               project  but  will  also  be  beneficial  to  the  community
               partner.  Each  student  will  be  required  to  record  a
               reflection  of  their  experiences  before,  during  and  after
               the field  work  at  the community  partner  and to  submit   SIM2013      INTRODUCTION TO COMBINATORICS
               their record with the group project report at the end of the
               semester.  Students  are  also  required  to  do  a  group   Ordered  and  equivalence  relations,  binomial  and
               presentation based on the project.    multinomial theorems, recurrence relations, principle of
                                              inclusion  and  exclusion,  generating  functions,  Latin
               Assessment:                    squares,  magic  squares,  basic  properties  of  graphs,
               Continuous Assessment:      100%   circuits and cycles in graphs, trees and their applications.
                                              Continuous Assessment:   40%
               SIM2010      NUMERICAL COMPUTATION   Final Examination:   60%
               Computer  arithmetic: floating-point  numbers,  round  off
               error, machine precision, overflow/underflow, numerical
               cancellation, truncation error.   SIM2014      ALGEBRA I
               Taylor polynomials and limits.   Group Theory - abstract groups, subgroups, cyclic and
                                              dihedral groups; order of an element and of a subgroup,
               Interpolation: Lagrange interpolation, divided difference   Lagrange’s  theorem;  cosets,  normal  subgroups  and
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