Page 142 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 142

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               functions. Primitive roots.    Assessment:
                                              Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Assessment:                    Final Examination:   60%
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%
                                              SIM3008      GROUP THEORY
               SIM3004      ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA   The three isomorphism theorems. Cyclic groups. Direct
                                              product  of  groups.  Introduction  to  the  three  Sylow’s
               Inner  product  spaces,  the  Cauchy-Schwarz  inequality,   Theorems. Classification of groups up to order 8. Finitely
               the   Gram-Schmidt   orthogonalization   process,   generated abelian groups. Permutation groups.
               orthogonal   complements,   orthogonal   projections.
               Adjoint  operators,  normal  operators,  self-adjoint   Assessment:
               operators, unitary operators, positive definite operators.    Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Bilinear  forms,  congruence,  rank,  Sylvester’s  law  of   Final Examination:   60%
               inertia,  classification  of  symmetric  bilinear  forms,  real
               quadratic forms.  The Schur triangularization theorem,
               the  primary  decomposition  theorem,  the  Jordan
               canonical form.                SIM3009      DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY
               Assessment:                    Vector algebra on Euclidean space. Lines and planes.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   Change of coordinates. Differential geometry of curves.
               Final Examination:    60%      Frenet Equations. Local theory of surfaces in Euclidean
                                              space. First and second fundamental forms.  Gaussian
                                              curvatures  and  mean  curvatures.  Geodesics.  Gauss-
                                              Bonnet Theorem.
               SIM3005      MATRIX THEORY
               Rank and nullity of matrices, Sylvester’s law inequality,   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               the Frobenius inner product, the Gram-Schmidt process,   Final Examination:   60%
               the  continuity  argument.    Rank  and  full  rank
               decompositions,  LU  and  QR  decompositions,  spectral
               decompositions,  singular  value  decompositions,  polar
               decompositions, Cholesky decompositions. Generalized   SIM3010      TOPOLOGY
               inverses,   Moore-Penrose   inverses,   the   best
               approximation  solutions,  least  squares  solutions.   Topological  Spaces.  Continuity,  connectedness  and
               Kronecker  products  of  matrices,  permutations,  matrix   compactness.  Separation  axioms  and  countability.
               functions  of  Kronecker  products,  Schmidt  rank  and   Metric spaces. Product spaces.
               Assessment:                    Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Continuous Assessment:   40%   Final Examination:   60%
               Final Examination:    60%
                                              SIM3011      COMPLEX ANALYSIS
               SIM3006      ALGEBRA II
                                              Infinite series expansions: convergence and divergence
               This is a second course in abstract algebra and will cover   and  region  of  convergence.  Taylor  and  Laurent
               more advanced topics on groups and rings. Topics on   theorems. Classification of isolated singularities. Zeroes
               groups  include  the  isomorphism  theorems,  various   and  poles.  Calculus of  residues; calculation of  definite
               subgroups  such  as  the  centre  and  commutator   integrals.  Residue  Theory.  Evaluation  of  certain
               subgroups,   finitely   generated   abelian   groups,   integrals.  Argument  principle,  Rouche’s  Theorem.
               automorphism  groups,  permutation  groups,  and  p-  Maximum modulus principle. Conformal mappings.
               For rings, the focus is on commutative rings. Topics on   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               rings include the maximal and prime ideals, polynomial   Final Examination:   60%
               rings,  irreducible  polynomials  and  the  unique
               factorization theorem.
               Assessment:                    SIM3012      REAL ANALYSIS
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%      Infinite  series,  convergence.  Tests  of  convergence.
                                              Absolute and conditional convergence.  Rearrangement
                                              of  series.  Pointwise  and  uniform  convergence.
                                              Properties of uniform convergence.  Superior limit and
               SIM3007      RING THEORY       inferior  limit.    Power  series,  radius  of  convergence.
                                              Taylor  series.  Riemann  integral.  Integrable  functions.
               This  course  includes  both  commutative  and  non-  Properties of the Riemann integral. Integration in relation
               commutative rings. Topics that will be discussed include   to  differentiation.  Differentiation  of  integrals.  Improper
               subrings, subfields and ideals; internal direct sum and   integrals. Sequences and series of functions.
               external  direct  product;  nil  ideals,  nilpotent  ideals;
               modules and submodules; prime ideals, maximal ideals;   Assessment:
               prime  radical  and  Jacobson  radical;  semiprime  and   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               semiprimitive  rings;  rings  with  chain  conditions;  group   Final Examination:   60%
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