Page 76 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

                                       BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
                                                  ACADEMIC SESSION 2023/2024
                                                        (132 CREDITS)
                  1.  UNIVERSITY COURSES  (14 CREDITS)
                   COURSE CODE                         COURSE NAME                            CREDITS
                  GIG1012 /      Philosophy and Current Issues (local students) /                2
                  GLT1017*       Basic Malay Language (*only for international students)
                  GIG1013        Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations                        2
                  GIG1003        Basic Entrepreneurship Enculturation                            2
                  GKA/ GKI/ GKK/   Co-Curriculum                                                 4
                  GKP/ GKS/ GKU
                  GLTxxxx        English Language / Foreign Language (**student whose native language is English)   4
                  2.  CORE COURSES (80 CREDITS)
                   COURSE CODE              COURSE NAME                 PRE-REQUISITES        CREDITS
                  LEVEL 1 (15 Credits)
                  SIX1015        Science, Technology and Society                                 2
                  SIX1016        Statistics                                                      3
                  SIE1002        Bioethics and Safety                                            2
                  SIH1004        Environmental Sustainability                                    2
                  SIH1005        Analytical Environmental Chemistry                              2
                  SIO1003        Bioinformatics Concepts                                         2
                  SIO1004        Introduction to Computer Programming in                         2
                  LEVEL 2 (16 Credits)
                  SIH2007        Principles of Waste Management                                  3
                  SIH2015        Soil Science and Community          SIH1005                     5
                  SIH2016        Environmental Monitoring            SIH1004                     3
                  SIH2017        Applied Ecology                                                 3
                  SIH2018        Research Methods and Scientific Writing                         2
                  LEVEL 3 (19 Credits)
                  SIH3005        Environmental Impact Assessment     SIH2016                     3
                  SIH3006        Environmental Management System     SIH1004                     3
                  SIH3007        Integrated Waste Management         SIH2007                     3
                  SIH3022        Environmental Management Research Project   SIH2018             8
                  SIH3023        Introduction to Administrative Management                       2
                  LEVEL 4 (30 Credits)
                  SIH4001        Industrial Training                 SIH3022 & SIH3023          30
                  3.  ELECTIVE COURSES (38 CREDITS)
                  (30 CREDITS)
                     Choose from all elective courses or/and Minor Packages that are offered
                   COURSE CODE              COURSE NAME                 PRE-REQUISITES        CREDITS
                  SIH2008        Environmental Health and Safety                                 2
                  SIH2014        Environmental Forensics                                         2
                  SIH2019        Environmental Risk Assessment and Management                    2
                  SIH2020        Environmental Governance            SIH1004                     3
                  SIH2021        Key Issues in Climate Change                                    2
                  SIH2022        Ecosystem-Based Management                                      2
                  SIH2023        Energy Saving Culture                                           2
                  SIH2024        Environmental Informatics           SIO1004                     2
                  SIH2025        Renewable Energy Transition and Society                         2
                  SIH2026        Water Management                                                2
                  SIH2028        Air Pollution Control                                           2
                  SIH2029        Disaster Management                                             2
                  SIH2030        Organisms and Environment                                       2
                  SIH3009        Slope Eco-engineering Techniques                                3
                  SIH3017        Technology and Management of Hazardous Waste   SIH3007          3
                  SIH3018        Environmental Microbiology          SIH1004                     3
                  SIH3019        Tourism and Environment                                         3
                  SIH3025        Introduction to Bioremediation      SIH3018                     3
                  SIH3026        Environmental Well-Being                                        2
                  SIH3027        Green Agriculture                                               3

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